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Messages - Kilo11

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 13
Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: September 25, 2007, 04:40:00 PM »
and water, trust me dont forget the water

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: September 25, 2007, 01:03:49 PM »
Me +2 or 3 will be their

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: September 25, 2007, 01:54:33 AM »
Quote from: "Vince"
ps, I don't like usmcpoc because he thought Phx Cobra and I were Marauders when we went into AEX :lol:

Talk about someone taking a crap in your fruit loops

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 24, 2007, 01:39:00 PM »
Quote from: "Green4Ever"
I just chronoed my CA-25 on saturday and it was shooting 398 with a .20 and thats with the BORE UP kit in. My spring has for sure "settled" by now the only other up-grade made has been a CA (Stainless 6.04) TBB

Could the TBB be screwing it up, ive been told that you need to break in a TBB.

AEG's / Re: Weapon Photos Discussion
« on: September 23, 2007, 04:19:13 PM »
The only think that i dont like about the PTW is that it costs like 250.00 bucks for 5 mags for it, saying that just hurts let alone buying them.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Operation Bulldog II Attendees
« on: September 23, 2007, 02:32:46 AM »
gentlement, Bulldog is a couple of weeks away, whos up for a game this friday or this sunday? so we can all warm up and give it a go? Hows Strawberry or 4 Peaks as an AO? come on guys lets get something going.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 21, 2007, 10:37:27 PM »
Quote from: "Clamp"
I know that Madbull makes some grenades (not the throwing type, the launchable type) that can hold paintballs or smoke or something. Not sure of the price.

Not the same thing, Madbull grenades shoot BBs or are used to launch Nerf howlers.

AEG's /
« on: September 21, 2007, 10:34:52 PM »
it may just be the videos but i think that the VFC version looks a little more sturdier than the CA version ,im more interested in the SCAR launcher that STAR is coming out with.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: September 21, 2007, 02:34:53 PM »
Quote from: "nukeduster"
anyone? i really wanna have a game tomorrow too.

Im down for some trigger time.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:52:06 PM »
wow he should check his facts, isnt the 4th Infantry Division deployed to Iraq?

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:43:17 PM »
Quote from: "fourwheeltrooperguy"
also your pessemistic attitude might be better served elsewhere, if you want to come to a fun event, be my guest, but if your trying to be mr. cool by bagging on my event, then piss off.

Buddy i respect your event it sounds interesting but dont bag on the Doc, he's been to more national competitions than anyone that i know, a person like that deserves respect. dont be a prick. If you have a real problem with him take it to the PMs.

AEG's / Re: APD
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:53:40 PM »
Quote from: "Adrenalinefreak816" probably just give them a call at 602-493-0318 thats the phoenix location[/quote

....................... No Comment

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: September 18, 2007, 11:43:15 PM »
Quote from: "Firebert"
Its out and I have seen it at a couple places.. Im really considering ordering one but I don't like ordering from places where I dont know how its going to arrive with trades or not.. :( they put a goo over the trades that can be removed, ive never used them before thought but i read it on their site.

AEG's /
« on: September 18, 2007, 06:27:44 PM »
...............Paul D Wog

AEG's /
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:55:45 PM »
If your looking to get a P90, i think one of the guys to talk to would be Paul D Wog here on the boards, as he puts it, he has a P90 for every occasion.

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