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Messages - Ghoul

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Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:42:52 PM »
Great game guys! 

Good job to Red Devil for eliminating the Iranian warmonger.  Getting behind enemy lines, reporting enemy positions and assassinating the VIP earned him the Georgian/US MVP.

Good meeting you Exarch. Brenda and I are looking forward to taking the field with you again.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:33:21 PM »
Airsofter1,  Looking forward to playing with you.  I think the teams will be OK if you go Green.  The Tan team is composed of several brand-new players however.  I will have several Tan tops if we need to make last minute changes.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 22, 2013, 06:01:52 PM »
SVATaz,  see if you can get you team a MultiCam (or Tan) version of your uniform too.  I know there is a cool Desert tiger Stripe camo available.   This will give your team the flexibility to be either Russian (booooo) or US/Georgian (yeah) in the future games.  Remember, this campaign is slotted for the next 4 months, so plenty of time.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 21, 2013, 07:41:19 PM »
Hi Caps are currently allowed.  Subject to change due to campaign development (Supply depot destroyed).

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 21, 2013, 05:42:03 PM »
Operation Order is published. 

Review the special rules for Game #2.  We are enforcing velocity limits as published. Be prepared to run through the chrono gauntlet.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:48:36 PM »

Be sure to check on the SVA velocity limits and make sure your team is within our limits.  We will be enforcing chrono rules.

I have 6 suits of Tan camo that can be loaned to anyone who wants to play US/Georgian side.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 2)
« on: July 14, 2013, 04:53:30 PM »

Sierra Vista Airsoft (SVA) and Knight Watch Productions is proud to present the 2nd biweekly Operation: Olympus Inferno on Saturday, July 27, 2013. Operation Olympus Inferno is a continuous 5 month MilSim campaign recreating the liberation of Georgia from the Russians during the “5-day War”. The initial game was a success with over 34 players, two VIPs from Georgia and Slovakia, a dedicated photographer, and a field like no other.
To see what SVA has organized in the past, please visit:

After agreeing to send assistance to Georgia in the form of infantry troops, the US conducted an Airborne Recon assault in the Tskhinvalii area.  Known Russian troops had occupied the area only recently and were still solidifying their hold of the territory. The US/Georgian mission was to located and possibly destroy the Russian Command Post. The Russian’s goal was to repel the attackers and stay in control of the area. The occupation of Georgian soil by Russian forces was solidified when the Georgian/US airborne troops were repelled from the Tskhinvalii area but not before the US/Georgians were able to locate the Russian Command post and obtain several important pieces of intel.
Olympus Inferno (#2) will have the Georgian/US forces using the captured intel to sever the Russian supply routes.  The Russians have dug in and look to extend their control of the area by placing observation posts at key locations.  The UN peacekeepers have arrived on the scene and are enforcing War Law on both sides.

This event is by RSVP only. Your RSVP will let the organizers cater the scenario and its props to the number of attendees.  Leadership positions and Non-player characters will also reflect the RSVP roster.
AO: Broken Tree Creek.   600 acres of privately owned land.  Entry to the area by escort only. The area is located very close to Elgin, AZ.   Many players caravan/carpool from Mustang Mountain Shell station.,+Huachuca+City,+AZ

July 27, 2013
Show@ 0730
Chrono@ 0745
Briefing@ 0800

General Rules: 
SVA Rule Set:

Special Note
Radios are not required for this event, but are HIGHLY recommended due to how the objectives are spread out and the play is fluid.  Please also note this event is being planned as a MILSIM Battlefield type event.  This means that we expect no trips to cars and staging areas.  Please be prepared to carry everything on your person that you need to play and stay on your feet, including plenty of water and extra ammunition.

Please RSVP by name only.  Thanks.

OD, FG, RG, Sage, Woodland, MARPAT, Flecktarn, DPM, CCE, Flora, Tiger Stripe, Philippine Digital, ATACS – FG
1. Trent (The Honey Badger)
2. Jed
3. Matt
4. Jake (Buffalo)
5. Arin  (Hollywood)
6. Ben
7. Ainsley
8. Tomy  (TomyTum)
9. Lucas
10. Brian
11. Nathan
12. Spencer
13. Braden  (Psykoboy)
14. Kalen
15. Airsofter1
16. Airsofter1 Guest1
17. Airsofter1 Guest 2
18. Airsofter1 Guest 3
19. Airsofter1 Guest 4
20. Airsofter1 Guest (5)
21. Airsofter1 Guest (6)

GEORGIAN/US (TAN): Tan, Khaki, Beige, CB, FDE, Crocodile, Taupe, Brown
Multicam, 3-color DCU, 6-color desert ‘choco-chip’, Tropentarn / Wustentarn, Desert DPM, Desert MARPAT, ATACS, AOR, ACU

1.   Paraic (Ghoul)
2.   Brenda (Lotus)
3.   Matt (Hoss)
4.   Jason (Big Puff)
5.   Derek Pyle (Gomer)
6.   Ian Lea (Psycho)
7.   Brandon (Lil Puff)
8.   Levan (Peach)
9.   Stephan (Bear)
10.   Keegan (Bump)
11.          Frog
12.          Frog Guest
13.          Frog Guest #2
14.          Robert
15.          MINDY
16.          MINDY
17.          MINDY
18.          MINDY
19.          MINDY
20.          Red Devil
21.          Drue (Solid Snake)

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: Junkyard war interest anyone?
« on: July 14, 2013, 02:29:04 PM »
I'm trying to do the same thing down here in Sierra Vista.  I'd love to hear the logistics behind acquiring the field so I can immulate your success.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:22:23 PM »
It was great having you Red Devil.  That AO makes you want to be young again, doesn't it?

I look forward to the video.   The posting of the next game's logistics will be soon.  Looking forward to playing with you again.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:03:19 AM »
Thanks Sarge, WilCo.

Those Ops look really well-done.

With the campaign lasting 5 months, the ebb and flow of attendees will facilitate the different mission types and story line progression.  If you can't make the initial campaign opening, we would love to have you on the following games. Second game is slotted for the 9/27/13. 

I will post that game's info in the format suggested.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Team Knight Watch skirmish
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:12:02 PM »

All very good questions. I assure you I have all the right answers. 

The land has been coordinated with the owner over a course of 2 week face-to-face negotiations. It has been agreed that the land can be used with a prior phone call made 24 hours ahead of time. All the surrounding residence have been notified of the impending activities and the Sierra Vista Police Department is also aware.

Strict boundaries have been put in place to insure that the game does not disturb any possible pedestrian traffic. A no-liability waiver is signed by all participants.  The land owner's son happens to be an airsofter, and his participation is guaranteed.

This is the fourth time I have secured land for the use of airsoft games. I can attest that I do it in the most professional, safe and legal manner. Being an officer in the ARMY makes that both necessary and easy.

Again, great questions. I'm happy to see a conscientious airsoft community looking out for the well-being of all involved.

Red Devil,
I'm looking forward to meeting you.  The skirmish will be relatively small (as of now), but it will give me a great reason to test my comms and lesser used AEGs.

- Ghoul

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Team Knight Watch skirmish
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:07:14 PM »
That would be awesome.  Be advised, we have no played on this land yet, and don't know the dynamics of the field. 

It is relatively long and somewhat narrow.  Many gullies and decent scrub brush should give some cover and concealment.

I appreciate the support!  What is your team's name?

Will you be rallying with us at the Children's Center? 0700.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:09:00 AM »
I would hardly consider myself a grown up, as evidenced by the fact I run around with toys guns and pretend to be "taticool".

It's been posted on TAC for a while.  They're fielding 15 for the Russian side.  I had not considered this to be a game that would be of interest to anyone outside of South Arizona, but it is building more inertia than predicted.  So, consider Arizona Airsoft an after thought. I was also pretty sure that the website Arizona Airsoft consisted of some people that wouldn't need to save up for a drive, because they already live in the southern region. This post is mostly for those people. We certainly don't want to inconvenience anyone with an open invite to a remote game.

Advice heeded however:

Russians are in Green (OD, FG, RG, Sage, Woodland, MARPAT, Flecktarn, DPM, CCE, Flora, Tiger Stripe, Philippine Digital, ATACS – FG)

Georgians / US in Tan (Tan, Khaki, Beige, CB, FDE, Crocodile, Taupe, Brown, Multicam, 3-color DCU, 6-color desert ‘choco-chip’, Tropentarn / Wustentarn, Desert DPM, Desert MARPAT, ATACS, AOR)

Excerpt from SVA rule set, which is posted on

Riflemen Velocities: During outdoor events, the Outdoor Velocity rule is to be observed at all times. Unless otherwise specified, regular AEGs are restricted to 400fps or 1.48J spring level. A surrender should be presented for any engagements under the 20 feet rule. AEGs are NOT to be used when 20 feet or closer to another player. If there is a risk of a player not taking the surrender in tight situations, use your approved sidearm. If your field and/or event is using the Specialty Velocity Rules below, be sure to adhere to the additional safety rules that go along with those velocities.
Support Weapon Velocities: During outdoor events, this type of specialty velocity can be used. It however has its' own set of operational guidelines that must be followed. This specialty velocity of 450fps or 1.87J may be only be used at distances over 40feet. No support weapon will be permitted above this hard limit. If a player is within 40 feet, you may not use this gun/velocity. A secondary gun that meets the Standard Outdoor Velocity must be carried as well for any engagements under the 40 feet rule. Support Weapons are defined as those weapons specifically purpose-designed to be used in a support role featuring belt-feed with QD barrel. Illustrative examples would be accurate replicas of the M249 & variants, M60 & variants, M240, MG42, MG34, Shrike, HK21/23, PKM, Negev, and others with the required features. Despite missing these features, the RPK will be grandfathered in with no other exceptions due to SVA history. A regular AEG assault rifle with a box mag shooting over 400fps spring level does not constitute a support weapon!
Sniper Weapon/DMR Velocities: During outdoor events, this type of specialty velocity can be used. It however has it's own set of operational guidelines that must be followed. This specialty velocity of 550fps or 2.8J may be only be used at distances over 100feet. No sniper weapon replica will be permitted above this hard limit. If a player is within 100 feet, you may not use this gun/velocity. A secondary gun that meets the Standard Outdoor Velocity must be carried as well for any engagements under the 100 feet rule. Sniper Weapons are defined as bolt action or semi-automatic only. Any weapon with the ability to be switched full auto does not constitute a sniper weapon!
Pistol Velocities: Semi-auto gas, electric, or spring pistols are restricted to 350fps or 1.13J. This is a hard limit. This muzzle energy guideline applies to indoor and outdoor skirmishing when the pistol is used with the intent of a secondary/backup weapon. This applies to engagements inside the minimum engagement distance of AEG, support weapon, and sniper rifle categories. In all instances, these replicas should be aimed center mass or lower. In cases where a high-power pistol is used, it must follow the AEG, support weapon, or sniper rifle category based on its' muzzle energy output.

Looking forward to playing with you Red Devil. (We could use you on the Georgian/US side)  Rangers Lead the Way!

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:01:00 AM »
Indeed. Quoted as posted.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation: Olympus Inferno commences!
« on: July 04, 2013, 09:55:18 AM »
As posted by Mattew Doty on Facebook:

"If any 1 here is still interested in actually playing an event we need people to register on I'm tell'n you! this is a !!LIGIT!! MILSIM group commanded by an Army Captain and has alot of other active duty military people in the group. There's even a Slovakian officer and Georgian officer in the group. We're taking on 15 (more or less) TAC member's in the first mission of the campaign (Operation Olympus Inferno Commences) July 13 0700 U.S./Georgian/NATO (Tan) vs Russian/Ossetian (Green). So far It's about 15 vs 15 the more people to register as (Tan) or (Green) the better. For details on where to meet, RSVP, Rules, Story, Maps, And pictures of the location (which is by far the coolest field I've seen In Cochise county) sign up on I'm not sure of any age limits but I'm assuming its something like 15+ Hurry and RSVP yourself and any guests! Don't miss out on a great Op!"
I don't think I need much more luck.  Things are going well already.  Keep in mind, its a running campaign. If you can't make it this coming week, then look forward to the weeks after that.

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