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Messages - RickEJ6

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Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 21, 2005, 10:10:00 AM »
Its more along the lines of "Ive been in the field for longer than I wanted, havent seen a girl in a week, and im trying to impress anything that *may* be female"

Its sad, but seriously, after 2 weeks, ANYTHING, even in a brown Tshirt is gorgeous...


Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:21:52 AM »
Haha whats wrong w/ feelin naked?  I keep the tight gear ones...makes you look super jacked for when the ladies are around...

Youll be happy with either im sure.


Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 21, 2005, 07:50:04 AM »
I wear the underarmour stuff in uniform anytime we are out running around in BDUs (which is every morning now).  They work great.  They breathe much better than any regular cotton shirt and keep you very cool.  That said I like the loose gear a little better so its not bunched up under your armpit.  It really comes down to personal preference.  I would try the 5.11s but they arent available in the right color, so I cant pass them off as a uniform shirt.  I was told they are working on a correct army brown...but for some reason its not available yet.


General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 19, 2005, 09:24:11 PM »
Quote from: "Gantaliano Hoff"
Quote from: "sNiPeRWoLf88"
i want an F-16.

No, scratch that.  I want a hornet.

Begger can't be choosers. But I can't wait till I'm the one flying one of em. Yeah!

We had a former AFTROTC guy from my college come back on tuesday of last week.  He is a B1 pilot.  My classes are about 80% AFROTC guys w/ me and another AROTC guys and a few civilians.  He talked for a while and then got into how there is NO place for a pilot in a bomber or even a fighter.  There are no manual targeting system that requires a pilot to have eyes on the target except in the A-10.  He it headed to some R&D stuff now and strongly believes that A-10 pilots are the only ones that wont be staring at a computer screen in a few years. You should have seen all the AFTROC's guys eyes tear up.  

Good luck tho! If your AFROTC unit is anything like the one up here (DET 028, about 400 strong) you NEED to get out and PT on your own.   The workouts they do are comical!  They had some hot aerobics instructors come in one day however.  We were all gathered at the door....


General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 19, 2005, 09:18:45 PM »
I didnt like it.  Then again half of the guys I were with were beyond drunk (one guy held his hands up the whole time they followed that bullet with the camera) and I was extremely tired (always now that we started 2-a-day work outs) it seemed to drag on forever.  It wasnt bad, I just wouldnt reccomend seeing it in theaters.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:14:34 AM »
That IS the new airfoce pattern.  I believe it is a digital tiger stripe adaptation using the Armys ACU colors.  

New camo doesnt do you much good when you are wearing 10 year old flak jackets that dont match....priorities...


Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 18, 2005, 09:21:50 PM »
Quote from: "-MAD- SARGE"
Oh and Im not bringing any underware, Im going Comando!

Haha there we go!  Real men dont wear underwear (at least w/ BDUs!). I know I dont (and none of the special fellas I spent time w/ this summer did either).   (edit: didnt realize how homo-erotic that sounded....I swear thats not the case)

Seriously though this sounds like it should be a killer event.  I wish I had the funds to dedicate to getting out there and playing w/ yall but the TR classes and Real Steel guns are calling me.  

Yall have fun now.


AEG's /
« on: September 14, 2005, 07:30:39 AM »
Quote from: "pythonline"
The xm8 is pretty exciting, I've only heard about it from articles in magazines, but still pretty cool, assuming it works as predicted.

as for the whole ak/m16 thing.

I have not fired an m16, but I have put many rounds through my ak.  I've never had a problem with it, actually, the only thing I have against it is that you can't force the chamber to stay open.

I am probably more accurate with my ak's irons than most people are with scoped m16s, I have never had a problem with them, even at 100+ yards.

no, I haven't been in the field, so I really can't put that perspective in it, but I have heard nothing but praise for the ak's reliablility.

as for the m16, from what I've heard from friends of mine who fire it, they are excellent weapons.  Naturally the older ones were pieces of s***, but I think we can move past that, it was almost 40 years ago.

I don't know if I could really say one is better than the other, because they are so different that each have their own qualities that make them "better" or "worse" than the other.

there are also some things that some would see as an advantage, but others would see as a disadvantage.

one example, from what I've heard, the ak weighs substantially more than the m16.

obvious problem is that its harder to carry, less effective in close combat.

the advantage is that slight muscle twitches will move it less while trying to aim long range.

The XM8 got the can.  Not gonna happen for quite a while if at all.

AEG's /
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:54:44 PM »
i agree, lets see the xm8 put up a good 60 years of service before we say its better than the trusty ak-47. we cant afford forget the blunder our own airforce made in the early 60's with rushing the m16 into service. it may look cool and futuristic, but looks truly can be decieving. im glad the army's taking its time in testing , we've no need to rush a new toy then see the casualties pile up as the weapon's malfunctions come out of the woodwork. (case in point m16).

i'll take my weapon pre field proven, and if that means settling with iron and wood, im down.[/quote]

Im bored, so Ill bite.

Have you ever used an AK in the field?  If not, then you are just going by what you have read about them.  I HAVE used an M4, M16, and AK in force on force and range enviroments.  The BS about the AK being the king of reliablity is just that, BS.  It will shoot crappier ammo, and is a bit more lenient on how often you have to clean it, but they DO FAIL.  This summer alone I went through 3 different AKs that just kept failing on me.  I ended up with a well beat up M4 that NEVER had a problem.  If you ever did use an AK you would be familiar with their crappy sights, less than ideal accuracy, and horrible safety design.  

The negatives:

1. The safety doesnt permit the gun to be carried on safe on a patrol and then switched to fire immediately on contact.  This summer a SF candidate was removed from the course with only 3 days to go before graduation because of an accidental discharge he had with his AK.  After that point those with AKs were forced to carry them on fire but without a round in the chamber and then chamber a round upon contact.  Less than ideal.  The M16 is far superior.

2. The whole "knock down" power crap.  The gun has crappy sights, crappy egronomics, and the accuracy isnt up to par.  Which leaves you with a heavier bullet missing the target.  It doesnt matter how much lead you throw at a target, if you cant get reliable hits, the weapon is useless.  The M16 is far superior.

3.  Have you ever put more than a few rounds down the barrel of an AK with the wood grips?  After only a few rounds (less than 100) the foregrip became so hot so as I was unable to hold it securely and get hits.  Once again, a rifle that you cannot get hits with its USELESS.  I was able to fire a M16A2 until the front part of the handgaurds melted (in excess of 200 rounds in rapid sucession) and I was able to place all the rounds on my intended target.  

Until you use the weapon in a real enviroment, you can only go on hearsay on how they perform.  The weapon our troops are being issued today is truly one of the best rifles around.  (Then theres the whole HK416 and Sig 552...but yeah...)


Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:49:02 PM »
The wal-mart case will do that just fine.   Rick

Accessories & Gear /
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:35:29 PM »
Wal Mart has them for $7 if you want to support our trade deficit to china.


AEG's /
« on: September 06, 2005, 02:52:59 PM »
Quote from: "DUDE"
When i was in georgia with my friends not to long ago we went to the flea market and bought some of those five dollar electrics so we could go in the lake with them well the stood up pretty well the first five minutes in the water they still worked. it was a crazy week.

Where were you located in GA?  I did some work for Airsoft Atlanta back in the day.

 The cheap little mini guns dont really compare at all to these inbetween AEGs.  Id feel comfortable with one of the AUG or MP5 mid grade guns in a CQB environment.  Too bad we dont play many.


Real Firearms /
« on: September 06, 2005, 08:23:21 AM »
If I am able to make it, any of yall can run the stages with my shotgun no problem.  Just a mossberg 500a, but it works. I will also have my Bushmaster and Glock 19 there and if yall could run those if need be. Its quite a drive from where I am tho...would be a heck of a good time however.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 04, 2005, 02:26:38 AM »
Quote from: "pythonline"
Quote from: "nukeduster"
Marine, eh? Well, us army guys always need a good bullet stopper.

No, seriously though.. congrats.. from what I hear marine BCT is pretty tough, even when compared to the army these days. Its not as pussified as some people put it out to be, they do still hit you/make your life a living hell, but you come out a better person.

Hold on...  The army is nothing compared to the marines...  I've got several friends who went into the marines because the army wasn't good enough.  in fact, one of my friends had to drop out of basic after a knee injury and it was suggested that if he wanted to stay in the military to go for something easier, like the army or airforce.

anyway, now that my rant's over...  Good luck Long Trang, your next 13 weeks are gonna be hell.

Please refrain from talking about something you know nothing about.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 26, 2005, 11:34:31 AM »
Mines lame. my name.  And EJ6 is the chassis code for a 98 Honda Civic DX that I used to drive.

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