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Messages - kazfox

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General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: New indoor airsoft feild
« on: February 11, 2015, 08:45:31 PM »
One would be enough. Two is redlining no profit, three would shut the all down. The majority of patrons in the indoor fields are families, parties and minors. The real business factor is overhead, inventory and demand. Any more and youd see a decline. I'd check out and aclimate to the universal and constant originality in the outdoor ops set up in the surrounding OP areas. The same cqb fields plateus after a while and thus you only deprive yourself of a more robust experience. But if indoor is your forte, I'd say two is more than enough. If distance or transportation is the issue, then you need to catalogue what you are expecting from the theme of airsoft. Just like paintball, there's indoor speedball fields that only change as much as they can move the inflateables, and woodball that I infinately expandable. Just my two cents.

Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: looking for startup equipment UPDATED! 2/1/15
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:58:40 PM »
Bump. Really need a LiPo charger now. For a two cell 7.4

Introduce Yourself! / Re: 0311 vet wanting to milsim.
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:59:48 AM »
oh im all for starting budget being low for now haha. especially these days where alot of what used to be crap companies, actually make great stuff now. and prices are alittle lower for more tech. best bet though is to post up a list of stuff youre interested in and people will come at you with things and offers. im planning on getting an ICS M16 build, metal upper and lower reciever with full stock, handful of mags for less than 200, looking at a killer RRV Chest Rig i might negotiate alittle on, and still waiting on other offers. i set my budget to 300 dollars starting and plan to be on the field for the game up at Mt. Ord the end of this month. as far as gun types, ive always been partial to anything by Tokyo Marui, Classic Army and even some newer Echo1 stuff ive heard good reviews on. best way to learn what you like is to get out to an OP and check out what others are bringing. most will be happy to let you look their gear over and feel it out. i havent done any CQB type runs except for a LOOOONG time ago at SASCO and that was a pistol match. fun stuff. if you ever check out the CQB place out here, let me know because id love to tag along.

Troubleshooting / Re: KWA gbb track record problems.
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:39:14 AM »
I remember when it was a sin to step onto an OP site with a CYMA Echo1 or Boyi....mabey still with boyi...

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Do I hear chirping?
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:36:59 AM »

Edit:  For example, who remembers Dusty at JT Tempe?
I DO! As well as warlock from the Tucson JT when it existed haha. That was like, 2007 or 2008 for me.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: 0311 vet wanting to milsim.
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:25:56 AM »
First, thank you for your service brotha.
And welcome to chandler! I'm a local as well, 202 and Arizona ave area. I'm just returning back to the sport myself after 5 years of doing the same, getting life straight, great demolition job I travel with, and a lovely lady and home. Only feels right to shake the webs and relapse into milsim. They don't call it AA for abbreviation only lol jk my names Tim. Good to have you on deck and wanting to jump in and swim. I'm still rebuilding from scratch but if you have any questions or want a fireteam buddy at an OP feel free to let me know. Only thing I don't know much about is batteries and polarstar systems. Things seem kinda slow on here some days but theres alot going on and plenty other groups and sites to check out. is a great resource too. And again, welcome aboard!

Okay, I could probably do that. I may have camo and gear before a feild-ready rifle, so if anyone had any loaners for just the op day, I could bring an ammo and "rental" fee if needed. But again, things could change come day of deployment. Might actually volunteer for the terrorist team as well.

Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: looking for startup equipment UPDATED! 2/1/15
« on: February 01, 2015, 07:06:29 PM »
Bump. Updated list. Now looking for any type GBB sidearm and any other non listed items.

If i can get my gear together in time, and can meet a driver in the chandler area (can also get to a meet spot if I have to) put me down. I'm shooting for tan possably but may also go green. Depends on what I can get prior to the OP. Will update changes, but would like to figure out carpool options as soon as possible.

Airsoft Items WANTED / delete me.
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:52:54 PM »
Please delete

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Do I hear chirping?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:49:28 PM »
That's what I loved about it all. You'd meet up at a shop or surplus store and it was a social thing. The ops were a blast but also a learning experience and full of trust, teamwork and sportsmanship. It was almost a deployment in itself when a big game would come up. I've noticed alot of the very young, around 17 and 21 take it as a way to just feel cool and don't have the same respect. Air soft has gotten stigmatized abit through reckless handling and brandishing in public. Us older mature types put em away after an event, mabey take it out at home to look at, modify and customize to share results with the community, and back in the closet it goes. Just like a real firearm. Kids look at it as a toy and lax sport like paintball. But I could be ignorant and wont say that's all the young group does. I'm barely 26 and I'm still young. But still, the passing of a matriarch or high profile organizer can sting things down alot.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Do I hear chirping?
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:58:11 PM »
I disappeared for 5 years and was estatic to get back with the the changes to equipment tech out now and affordable prices. (used to cost a fortune in 08) and I've noticed theres not much activity site wise. I blame facebook and call of duty. I'm still trying to plan to gear up this week. But its so dead on the listings I might have to just buy online.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: ready to redeploy with the locals!! chandler az
« on: January 29, 2015, 12:01:23 PM »
Yea I remember when the hawks were starting up. I went by dammit back then haha. I moved from Tucson a long time ago

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: Getting out sale
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:04:00 AM »
Pm sent

Looking to pay cash for:

Multicam, any desert pattern, marpat or ACU uniform and combat shirts (medium and size 30 32)
Tan black or OD operators gloves
Dump pouch
Spare M4/M16 parts, upgrades, accessories, motors, stocks, grips, (basically anything to build my workbench, wanna start tech work with my matured knowledge of the internals for peeps on and off the field)
Any GBB, Glock model prefered but will settle for anything if the price is right. holster if possible
Duty belt
Folding sights or holographic.
Three point sling
Speed loaders
BB's .20 .25 prefered, bio or otherwise
This list is not exhaustive and any other type AEG, working or not, ill be happy to possibly purchase.
My plan is to keep this thread alive indefinitely as I'm not planning to exit the sport for years. I'm confident In be living ill join the ranks of the activity as an Old school type down the road. Had it not been for life, I'd be well into 8 years steady but we cant always chose how things bend and break.

In closing,
 basically, if you have anything I haven't listed just let me know what you got. I'll still be prowling for the stuff by keeping an eye out for good deals but I rather support locals than pay brand markup prices. Thanks!

Also, extra wires and connectors, Deans or standard mini and large type connectors, soldiering irons and appropriate flux spools ill grab at. Just depends on the price and available funds.

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