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Messages - stoneaglewolf

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General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: February 12, 2003, 11:14:41 PM »
We would like to get teams to get together and register, but we understand that many are not on teams yet so go ahead and sign up, just don't put down a team on the registration and we will help you get organized. We want to give everyone the chance to play.

Mark Anderson -Stonewolf

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: February 06, 2003, 11:22:18 PM »
It is not really much to it. I consulted a financial planner, lawyer, and insurance broker to find out exactly how to develop an event in which airsoft could be used as a tool but not the main focus.

About 6 months ago Hector and I started working on a project for teamwork and leadership development in youth organizations and corporate leadership program. With our combined background it seemed only logical. So we started

Airsoft is in a unique position, because there are not any ASTM regulations regarding airsoft equipment. This brings up two issues:

1. We should never even use to word paintball in describing airsoft.
2. By rotating the focus to teambuilding and leadership training, we can offer a structure that insurances are more interested in. Education is easier to insure than sports. It is a very thin line at times, but then it can be very broad. Basically we have to make certain compromises in order to achieve a balance between education and play. Therefore TeamXL will sponsor the event from a business liability point of view.

There are many rough edges to this project. And we will do our best to develop and protect everyone as much as possible. But more importantly, it is in the interest of everyone at the event to set a 100% positive, professional, and honorable attitude regardless of the situation. We all represent airsoft the moment we set foot on the field and our future is in everyone's hands.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: February 05, 2003, 11:26:59 PM »
I can appreciate your question.

The 50 dollars is going to not only the event but to event insurance, future purchase and development of land, and the ability to bring large events to Arizona.

The orginal 5.00 idea was just for Mike and I work out a scenario. But our meetings have evolved this game into a national event with developed land, with sponsors, patches, awards, and some training.

There are several surprises that are not on the schedule, but that is all I can say.

We want everyone to feel safe and help promote the development of teams in AZ. With this we have put together scenarios and training courses that will help you guys enjoy the game more. The missions that we have put together are tough and will require teamwork to be successful.

The training is really more like small games where we help you out with your techniques.  Not like the events we put on lest year.

I don't know if this answers your questions, or if it will be better than sliced bread, but I can tell you that I will do everything possible to make this an excellent event.

Please do not hesitate to post or call me on my cell if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or answers.

Mark Anderson

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: January 18, 2003, 08:45:04 PM »
U.S. Airsoft and Airsoft Addicts are going to be there also. We are not going to hold our event and come down to play with you guys.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: January 18, 2003, 02:12:20 PM »
Please go here to sign up, and remember everyone 14 and up is welcome regardless of age. ... ration.php

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: January 17, 2003, 03:33:03 PM »
I have posted the information unders MISSIONS at We aplogize for not posting the details sooner. We are planning for the big 3day event in March.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: January 02, 2003, 12:02:20 PM »
The U.S. Airsoft team had a lot fun. Glad to meet you guys and look forward to playing with you soon.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: January 02, 2003, 12:00:22 PM »
Ken, There is a large event planned for Arizona. Actualy there are four events planned. The first Airsoft Special Operations Course (ASOC) is in March. This one will be an arizona invite only and will be a test run to work out any issues. The next one will be in June, September, and December. The June event will be declared as the first ever National Airsoft Training School ever! We have teamed up with several businesses to help us put on the event. FPS Magazine is very excited and can't wait. So far we have a planning staff of eight people. The training will be divided into several courses, scout, rifleman, and sniper/spotter. Each team will sign up and declare their positions.

We are also combining a several missions into the event so that you can practice your new skills. This will be a high paced event due to the amount of information that we will provide. There will not be time for sitting around. And there will be one surprise mission which will happen when you least expect it.

We will require OPFOR Units to help us carry out this event. So have your team leaders contact us. We are also interested in anyone else who has military background who would be interested in instructing. Send all your emails regarding this event to

Informational Links /
« on: December 04, 2002, 10:09:44 AM »
BTW, also register your unit here so we can build up the unit roster

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: November 07, 2002, 01:48:06 AM »
Yes by all means register and come out. We promote teams but understand that you have to come to the events to find others to make a team.

I have a database that records who attends the events. This database will be used when we develop some qualifications (for fun) and when we need OPFOR. Those who go to the most events are more likely to be called upon to work as OPFOR for larger events down the road. So be sure that your name is on the following list. ... tion.php#5

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: November 05, 2002, 10:58:25 PM »
Be sure to register for the event to get credit for it. ... ration.php

Forum discussion is located here:

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 27, 2002, 08:46:57 PM »
I have no idea what you are talking about. :) I was on the other end of the field half of the time.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 18, 2002, 02:16:23 PM »
At Op Urban Tiger we required semi-auto only, and focused on center mass shots only. This provided a much safer environment. And yes we had some guns shooting 360 to 380FPS stock (Classic Army). Everyone also thought that it added more realism to the event.

Just a thought,

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 18, 2002, 01:55:01 PM »
We had a great time, everyone was extremely professional. I can't wait until the November game. We really hope our courses will help develop the desire for stronger team organization.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 11, 2002, 11:57:14 AM »
Here is the videos and images for the event. ... ebrief.htm

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