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Messages - Sergeant First Class Keenan

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26
Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 06, 2007, 08:13:32 PM »
Everything looks great for this skirmish. I want everyone to know that the more people that show up to this event the better. If this goes good enough the brass will be easier to sway when I start asking for more.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 03, 2007, 12:22:38 PM »

Accessories & Gear /
« on: August 03, 2007, 10:55:42 AM »
My Favorite 3 day pack is ironiclly, T.H.E. PACK by spec ops. ... oductID=12 I think everything else spec ops makes is crap, as far as long term use, but my favorite 3 day pack of all time is this back pack, I've used it for 3 years now everyday, field use to working here in recruiting. its just a good bag. Oh and you can get a frame for it if needed. And all the molle webbing makes it nice cause you can attach a ton more stuff to it.

the vast majority of troops overseas would agree, when T.H.E. PACK just works.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 02, 2007, 05:29:11 PM »
Event now named Operation Bushmaster, check out that thread for event info ... hp?t=15783


Well good news and bad news. bad news first. The CQB house is a no go. An avaition unit moved into it.

The good news however, is working with MACV the Arizona Army National Guard has come up with an alternate event, and its still FREE and open to 16 year olds and up (with written waviers)

OPERATION BUSHMASTER will be at Papago Park on AUG 25th, but it will be an outdoor event using real trainning lanes and different senerios with an operating and dressed OPFOR, all participants will be in a squad led by Soldiers acting as a squad leader/advisor/OC. Awards will be given to the teams demonstrating the best teamwork.

Further mission details will be posted next week.

Pictures of the trainning ground will be posted soon (think A-stan) if your a phoenix local its the papago buites by the phoenix zoo on the scottsdale/phoenix border on 52nd St and Mcdowell

There will be Medics on site with a Combat Ambulance as well other Tactical Vehicles.  

This will be FREE, and open to anyone 16 years and up, a waiver will be needed for anyone under 18.
AA rules apply except that 16 and 17 year olds are welcome. (skill levels of younger players will be considered when teams are picked)

And remember the more teams, and players that show up the better the chance for another skirmish using real military assests and eqiupment.

OPERATION BUSHMASTER - August 25th, 2007

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 01, 2007, 02:41:02 PM »
I'm working with a member of this board as far as event rules, You might as well guess on AA rules.

We're looking at a 0900 start time, and will go and until its no fun anymore.

I'm going to the "kill house" tomorrow and will be taking pictures to upload, I do know that there is an observation deck above the house so the teams can be judged on CQB tactics.

The reason I said this is still on the d/l is beacouse I haven't finalized it. My MSG has gave me his blessing to make it happen and I'm running with it.

If any team leaders would like to get ahold of me send me a pm I would really like to have maximum participation from our local teams and give everyone a chance to have a run through during this event.

Also National Guardsmen will be availble as OPFOR. We would like to get a highspeed team that would also like to be OPFOR against Guardsmen and able to switch out as OPFOR as needed during the event.

Cpl Keenan
AZ Army National Guard
Recruiting and Retention Command "Team Sun Devils"

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 01, 2007, 11:18:06 AM »
Papago Park is located on 52nd St and McDowell in Phoenix.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Aug 25th CQB
« on: August 01, 2007, 10:40:42 AM »
More details to be posted!

Saturday Aug 25th, the Army National Guard Recruiting Command would like to hold an Airsoft event at the Papago Training Park, in the CQB "kill house".  

The event will be free to the public. This event will be open to players age 16 and up, (i'm working on 14 and up) and waivers will be needed.

To make this work (and get another chance to use actual military resouces) I need to show higher that ALOT of people will show up.

If you are a Guard member come on out, maybe you can get the chance to light up your recruiter! (Quite a few Guardsmen are planning on showing up as well and would like to take on some airsofters)

More details will be worked out this week followed by an offical anouncement.

This is on the super secret down low at this point, kinda giving you all a heads up.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 30, 2007, 01:02:16 PM »
Didn't see anyone out there, we were in the field the whole time..........

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 29, 2007, 08:13:29 PM »
13B, 11B, 88H, 92Y.........

My drilling unit is C Batt 2/180 FA

I'm Prior Service Marine Corps, now AZ Army National Guard

General Off-Topic Discussion / Back From AT
« on: July 29, 2007, 07:54:26 PM »
Hey gents, I'm back from A.T. 07. Two lovely weeks in Ft Sill, Oklahoma. The weather was awesome, 95-100 with 85-95% humidity! good times.

Anyway I'm gonna post more pics when I get them, and some vid's of the Field Arty direct fire....... very good stuff!

Accessories & Gear /
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:08:07 PM »
In Marine Corps bootc camp we are told by the DI's to cut the draw strings out of the trouder legs...... thats why you won't find real issue ones with them in there...... we use "boot blousers" to "blouse the boot" but they aren't tucked into the boot itself..........

And Yeah I know in a combat zone everything is up for interperation, unless of course your trying to get into the chow hall, then its 670-1 time! however, I was just putting out some info for the MILSIM guys if they are trying to look the part........ I rearly blouse my boots in the field when training unless we're in a FOB, then we gotta play the game too.

But its just common sence to tuck your boot laces in unless you like tripping over your own feet!

Anyway I gotta get packed up and head to the Armory and get ready for AT have fun guys!

General Airsoft Discussion / Going to A.T.
« on: July 12, 2007, 07:35:03 PM »
Hey gents, I'm gonna be heading to FT Sill, (Home of the RedLeg) for 2 weeks to conduct Annual Trainning. Its going to be the last live for C Batt 2/180th FA, our unit is being re-flagged in Oct.

I'm gonna take alot of pics and vids and I'll post them when I return. But trust me you haven't lived 'till you've put rounds out of 198 towed!

Accessories & Gear / Uniform Info for MILSIMERS
« on: July 12, 2007, 07:28:16 PM »
Hey gents,

I was just looking at pics on another MILSIM airsoft website, I'm sure most of you highspeed super troopers already know a few things about military uniforms.........

i'm not gonna break out my Army 670-1 or Marine Corps TM-10120-15/1 (yes updated). But heres a few things I've noticed on other sites.......

- Both Uniforms, Boot Laces not tucked. Both Marines and Soldiers will unblouse thier trousers before allowing laces to hang out, that is just dumb.

- Marine Corps Uniform, Marines tucking thier trousers into thier boots (real Marines NEVER tuck trousers into boots EVER ask any Marine.

- Army Uniform, Flags being worn on both sleaves the US Flag is worn on the right arm 1/8 of an inch from the seam or on the top Pocket of the new ACU uniform. If a combat patch is earned it is worn bellow the US Flag on ACU, or 1/8 of an inch ABOVE the US Flag on the right sleave, with the US Flag 1/8 of inch below. On the left sleeve 1/8 of an inch bellow the seam is were the current unit patch is worn. If wearing the the ACU it is placed on the pocket. The "Airborne tab" is worn Directly above the unit patch if the unit is designated "Airborne". All other "skill tabs are worn on the pocket flap. They should be worn in order Special Forces - Ranger - Sapper. (None of wich should matter if you haven't earned it you shouldnt be wearing it!)

- Marine Corps Uniform, Marines wear the Olive green t-shirt undershirt (which is really a green color) the Army wears the Brown t-shirt with the Old BDU/DCU Uniforms and the "Sand Tan" t-shirt with the ACU.

- Army Uniform, According to the newest 670-1 Soldiers are no longer allowed to wear ANY Blood type, Drug Allergies, Medical, CLS, NBC, or any other velcro patches on the ACU uniform, other then NAME, RANK, UNIT, and US FLAG. All other patches - Combat, Skill Tabs are optional.

-Marine Corps Uniform, this is just to help you guys sound right when you talk about Marine uniforms, The old Uniforms are call "Cammies" and the desert ones are called (you guessed it) "Desert Cammies", the new MARPAT is called "Digies" and "Desert Digies" short for "Digital Cammies"  

Oh and god I hope you guys aren't buying Army/Marine Corps uniforms loading them up with ribbons and wearing them around, or giving out "medals for pretend wounds and combat action" To be honest its against the law. And if the right person finds out they will go for the throat. (I'm not bagging on the guys that are doing it for re-enactment purposes, or TV/Films)

Anyway I also got an idea for guys that wanna wear rank and have a rank structure for playing, Use the ROTC cadet ranks, that ain't the real military!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 09, 2007, 08:09:44 PM »
That was freaking awesome........................ I only wish my adventures in the real military were this exciting! naplam, "perps" with full auto ak's hijacking mortal kombat arcades, uparmored golf karts! wow! you know this whole military thing is just waaaaaaaay to low speed, I need to get into MALL SECURITY, and keep buttholes virgin tight!

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