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Messages - Sergeant First Class Keenan

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26
General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:34:15 AM »
The Promotion system is completely different in the guard, and active/reserve army. 7 in 7 is possible in the guard, if your either in R&R command (do to being in an E7 slot) or just part of an awesome good old boy club!

We haven't had 11 series out here in AZ for much more then 2 years so there is no way an Arizona Guardsmen has been 11B and made E7 with that as a primary. More then likely happened do to the MTOE changes.

Us 13B's are feeling the same thing, gonna be hard to pick up this year and next MTOE's are changing and an entire Battery is being changed to an FSC.

the next big change is 2009, and its gonna be awesome............ We're gonna have a tab'd up unit  :!:  :shock:

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 05, 2007, 07:50:51 PM »

Dude there are a ton of Tech Jobs on the DEMA website right now...... And theres a WMD AGR job open with 91st...... Email me and I'll point you in the right direction, The only thing that could hold you up is the fact that your so new to Guard.

Oh you know what your already in the 108th band right? why don't you look at the State Honor Guard? I'll look for the number tomorrow when I'm at the office......

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 03, 2007, 08:38:54 PM »
When I was active duty Marine Corps in the late 90's-post 9/11, we all still had ALICE gear execpt the MEU's that were geeting MOLLE gear, nobody had 3point slings!

I remember the attidude being "why spend money on a bunch of crap I don't need when the Corps gives me what they want me to have? why waste beer money" besides being a "gear queer" was a great way to clowned on.... "what are you, chuck norris - delta force?"

Hell I didn't get plates for an IBA till after ironicly I was here in the National Guard! Felt like a dumbass when I told my troops we used to use the pockets to hold Maxim Magazines......

And at first trying to figure out those MOLLE attachments, damn that shit sucked till we figured out that you have to weave it...........

I don't think service members gave a shit about "spec ops gear" till sometime in 2004 when we all started going "hey man that shit those guys are doing works" just look at all those hardcore hillbilly up-armor guntrucks running convoys during OIF II.

Anyway jax any luck with your recruiter?

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 29, 2007, 08:55:17 PM »
uh..... yea..... 10 bucks he's a virgin, takers?

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 28, 2007, 07:44:51 PM »
minimum 1 year time in service time in grade, have the cutting score, make height/weight, pass the APFT, qual good on the range be reccomended, check your 4100, and do good on the promotion board......

Good luck!!

On here? I don't know.....

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 28, 2007, 07:01:57 PM »
Roger that

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:41:09 PM »
Sorry Doc, I'm sure this sounds like a dumb question, but what do you mean Vets only??

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 26, 2007, 08:22:13 AM »
Well from what unit's eyes are you doing this movie from? which branch of service? I'm assuming since you want an open desert kind of look you'd being going with 3rd ID or supporting elements, who went up through the open desert and on into Baghdad from the west.

But like I said you should look at exploring other options as far what time line you want to shoot this in....... Your not gonna get the right look and feel.

Really what you should do is get some books on the Invasion there's at least 100 different books out there! I'd recomend "Ambush Alley", "Generation Kill", or the book about my unit "The March Up" all those books are more of the Marine Corps experince and each is about 1st Mar Div's battle to Baghdad, but each is written from a different view point. Also there are alot more books about the 82nd, 3rd ID, and the 101st written as well, if what your looking for is the Soldier's perspective.

Remember your script is gonna need to be written the way warriors speak, and trust me it isn't "ghost recon 2" or "saving pvt ryan" you need to know the accronyms, the jargon, like Marine's aren't called Soldiers, and nobody calls a Sgt, "Sarg"........

But as I said unless you can get MOPP gear, everyone armed with an M16A2 (very very very few M4's during the push up) with a few SAW's, 50 cal's, MK-19's, a few hummvee's and a couple of 5 tons at the minimum, anyone who knows is gonna see right through your movie.

Thats why I really think you should make up a fictional story in the not so distant future.

Or maybe contact a few of our other National Guard Soldiers that post here about A-stan. They can better describe the sitiuation going on there, maybe give you some idea's. And of course pick up some books and learn your medium.

Trying to make a real movie based off something like this with zero knowledge and resouces is a bad idea.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:29:57 PM »
Oh and my pic in my signature is OIF III not the invasion.

And another thing I know for a fact you haven't stepped on yellow footprints let alone climbed the reaper. I'm glad if you may want to try and become a Marine some day till then you don't rate to call yourself "Jarhead". Maybe change it to Devil Pup or something like that.

Remember there's a reason civilain's can't buy our digi cammies with the EGA in the uniform. You haven't earned it.

Again not diggin in your ass but Marine nicknames belong to Marines.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:27:43 PM »
So your "movie is based on OIF I? What do you know as far as the invasion of Iraq? I mean not to bust your balls kid but you were like 11 years old when we rolled up through Nasiriyah.....

So I'll tell you what, I'll fill you in on a few things during the Invasion, we were issued DCU's but never wore them due to the pending "gas attack" instead everyone wore MOPP gear (level 2) in the traditonal woodland cammie.

The majority of ground pounders wore IBA's (again in woodland) with no SAPI plates, we didn't have 'em. it was a mix of old ALICE gear and new "issued" MOLLE gear. Remember back then nobody really cared about being a gear queer, and there wasn't 9 million tac gear companies to buy the that cool *tactical wallet* we had what we had and that was it.

NOBODY WORE BLACK BOOTS. period, ever. black boots last about a day in the sandbox, and will cook your feet.  

I only know of a few times non uniformed combatives - "insurgents" engadged allied forces, There just wasn't many and the ones engaged and killed were either fedaydeen, or syrian nationals.

Also the vast majority of combat was during convoys either up ambush alley or through the british AO and up the tigris river. I'm not saying there was no engagments in the wide open desert, but....... 3rd ID didn't really mix it up till they secured BIAP. Until then the very vast majority of combat action was either in convoy or going through towns/vills. of course after the disaster in Nasiriyah (we lost alot of good Marines) all towns were bipassed and just bombed from the air. I don't have the time to explain this deeper.

Again I'm not trying to shoot holes in your movie asperations but I doubt you really understand your medium. You either may want to change the time frame of your project or even the location, as in A-stan, there is alot more foot patrol combat there, The invasion of Iraq was Mech and I doubt you can get 300 veh convoy's and have a firefight as well. hell why not just make it in the not so distant future.

Anyway good luck.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 24, 2007, 01:28:57 PM »
is it over? i thought it was for the afternoon....

General Airsoft Discussion / Young Marines in Chandler
« on: June 20, 2007, 10:12:37 AM »
I'm trying to track down the guy I met during the 2/180 family day Arty shoot about 2 months ago.

To refresh I was the soldier he was talking to wearing the coyote brown gear.

If your on here I might have something you'd be intrested in.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 15, 2007, 07:33:22 PM »

I've never had that problem with a the T.A.G. cumberbund. But I know everyday new tac gear is released. Thats why myself and most other real world troops love molle gear, we can change our set up. And re do things for the task at hand.

When I did jungle warfare school back in the late 90's all we took out with us was a canteen in our cargo poket and 5 mags with 1 in the mag well, little to no gear cause it got caught on stuff.

Over in the sandbox this last time we were told we had to wear all of our ppe but most of us only wore the IBA with plates cause the other gear was bulky and in the way. plus it was heavy enough as it was I rarely went oscar mike with less then 18 mags loaded with 27 rds each, really heavy but thats 2 combat loads.

When we pulled gaurd duty we'd only carry between a half and full combat load, with the least amount of gear as possible. gotta be mobile if stuff starts blowing up.

Anyway Ganef I met Rob today over at Jungletoy and I checked out your website. Nice stuff. Did I mention I'm the Supply Sgt at my unit these days.........  :D  :!:

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:40:38 PM »
Ganef what do you mean loose the useability of the side ones? I'm just wondering not knocking your knowledge.

The big reason must active military guys like cumberbunds is cause "in country" we wear the issue IBA and either attach the needed pouches to the IBA itself or wear some form of LBV that we put on over the IBA.

Most Joe's perfer carring ammo and mags low and around the stomach/waist area, that way when riding in a track/humvee your not uncomfortable. The other reason why, is it doesn't screw up your back.

You are right about 1000D Cordura Nylon, everything else is just waiting to fall apart.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 15, 2007, 09:29:11 AM »
My personal favorite rig right now is the T.A.G. Low Profile Chest Rig with the camel pack included, even though I rearley use a camel pack in the field for training or in country (makes alot of noise when you run!) I do like having a small pack to store either medical stuff or extra ammo for my saw gunner.

I also like the T.A.G. one because the cumberbund has pouches for 8 mag's. and addtional room molle attachments for more puches to be added, that and its low profile enough to move quickly in.

I also like the BlackHawk Commando chest rig provided you spend the cash to get the rear peice. Trust me your back will hurt if you carry your whole laod on your chest.

The Vest your looking at is a good vest if you do alot of standing around and guarding things, and its really good at retaining heat. I'd recomend it if your primarly in a defensive role. If your an assaulter you would need something more flexable and more breathable.

Just 2 cents from a 3 tour combat vet.

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