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Messages - warlock

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26]
General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 18, 2005, 08:56:06 AM »
Hi Lightning, sorry about that. The week running up to Dark Knight was a bit on the hectic side for me, I've returned your PM.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 15, 2005, 08:48:38 AM »
It's come to the point where even if the male is present, there is no method for appropriate punishment. Spanking your child is grounds to have them removed from your home and placed with some foster family.

My father taught me a great deal of respect for action-consequence pairs. It gave me a proper compass to judge my actions by.

My father, although strict, never once abused me. Did I get spanked? You betcha. Was the level of spanking excessive? As a *child* I thought so, as an adult I look back and you know what? It wasn't as bad as I thought. It helped keep me well-grounded, even now in adulthood.

Heck when I was 6, I got spanked in the middle of a supermarket for acting up. No one even batted an eye.

Corporal punishment, like anything else, is best taken in medium dosages. Too much, it loses its effect;too little, it has no effect. The problem with today's environment is that I'm surrounded by people who think that their parents were just being abusive. They didn't LEARN anything from the experience. Maybe their parents did it differently, and didn't have the before-spanking and AAR to help them understand WHY they got spanked, so they could build themselves a proper judgement tree. Who knows? All I know is these people are the vocal minority who get their will pushed upon the unsuspecting populace. And their will is to coddle the child for misbehaving. Speak to them, make them understand.

I'm sorry, but most 6-year-olds have no capacity for logical reasoning. You cannot sit down with a 6-year-old and logically explain to them why its a bad thing to do whatever it was they did.

People are decent because of fear. Fear makes and breeds decent people. Fear of God, their parents, punishment, whatever. Every human needs a fear of SOMETHING to keep them in line in their daily routine. Once you have nothing to fear, you have no north pole on your moral compass, and you forget which way is which. As a child, I feared my father's disapproval, and of course I feared getting spanked. That alone probably saved me from doing a ton of stupid stuff in and of itself.

As the child progresses, however, there does come a point where spanking no longer has its place. For me, that was the age of 11. At that point my father started having logical conversations with me about my actions, and grounded me rather than spanked me. So the punishment continued but the need for a physical reinforcement wasn't there. Of course by that points my infractions were so slight none of them would have deserved a spanking but still.

Anyhow, to close out my book, I agree with Bucket that there needs to be some sort of secondary presence in the child's life. I just think we often misplace that as a need for a two-person raising of the child. One person can accomplish it, if society leaves them be and lets them raise their child (within reason) how they see fit.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 14, 2005, 08:09:45 PM »
Funny, when I was growing up, my father insisted that I know how to strip, clean, and fire every weapon in the house. 4 pistols, 7 rifles. From the age of 10 I could strip down, clean, and fire all of the rifles, by the age of 12 the pistols as well. At th age of 14 I had my own real-steel pistol, that was owned by my father but completely under my auspices.

I won't say that I've never fired a weapon at anyone, because that would be a lie. But I've never fired a weapon at someone unless it was absolutely in self-defense. I never brought my gun to school, and I never did anything illegal with my gun (now, guns).

As a result of having good discipline with real-steel weaponry, I'm a lot more careful of what I do with anything that could be regarded as one (i.e. airsoft guns), and I consider myself better for the experience.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 14, 2005, 02:41:49 PM »
Somewhere along the way, I missed the reasoning as to why it's bad to have 14-17 year old players in the game. Anyone care to enlighten me?

When I first started airsofting I was 15. I was taught and instructed by my scoutmaster, and the playing field was almost entirely 14-17 year olds. We held multi-day operations, 30 on 30 skirmishes, navigation exercises, and so on. No one ever got hurt (we wore goggles), no one ever got sued, and we only had the cops show up to do their "WTF are you guys doing??!?!" routine twice in a course of 7 years. I played at every single op, except when I was off doing recruiting in Russia (long story). I missed 5 ops in 3 weeks while I was off in St. Petersburg. I organized most of the ops there, or at least helped supply props, locations, etc. to the ones who were organizing. We ran a completely clean operation, for all ages 14 on up.

To be honest, the strategy some of those 14-year olds were exhibiting before I left that part of the world, was pretty impressive. Utilizing actual military manuevers, outflanking their enemies, and so on.

You know how many of the players we had in our club actually went out and shot people outside of an operation? Not one single person. Brandishing, to be fair we had a couple get tickets for brandishing a firearm because they were carrying their guns from their car into their house when a cop happened to be in visual contact. Big whoop.

I'm not saying that every single teenager out there won't wind up going out and shooting someone up, I'm just saying in my experience airsoft doesn't provoke that sort of behavior.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:25:46 AM »
I've seen this before, it was pretty interesting, but like someone above stated, a lot of it gets lost in the rambling..

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:24:41 AM »

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: September 09, 2005, 08:08:31 AM »
Hello all my name is Glenn, not new to the game but new to this site and new to playing in AZ. I assume there is a certain amount of bootlicking to be done before I get my chops in, so let's git-r-dun!  :lol:

AEG's /
« on: September 09, 2005, 07:56:09 AM »
Sweet looking weapon!

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