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Messages - deathbydanish

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Accessories & Gear / Re: a brief question about plate carriers
« on: June 26, 2012, 01:33:00 PM »
I've got a Banshee too, it is adjustable, but if you're on the husky side (i.e. you wear a Large Long BDU top or larger) it might not be too comfortable. It is kind of hard to tell how something will fit on you until you actually go out and try it. Also because I have a feeling that you're thinking this, the plate carrier sizing is based on the size of the plate, not the person going into it. Don't think that plate carrier sizing is the same as shirt sizing, you might wear a men's large t-shirt, but that doesn't mean you should buy a large/xtra large sized plate carrier.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Lord Stanley's Cup 2012
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:01:01 AM »
Dude I hope so too, I remember them during the A line days, and how they used to be called the comeback kids. Back then a deficit like this meant we were in for an interesting series.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Lord Stanley's Cup 2012
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:53:47 PM »
They took game 4, went 3 to 1. But I can already hear all the Kovalchuk jokes, he can only score when the net is empty.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: airsoft store in west valley
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:22:26 PM »
When I was living in Hawaii they had a store called Power Edge, they had a lot of the major brands + parts + gear, in addition to techs. What they also had, which is what I think should be included is a CQB arena, it was literally a one stop shop for everything airsoft and you could sling BBs if you wanted to.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Phoenix coyotes
« on: April 26, 2012, 11:33:46 AM »
Good on the Coyotes, this playoff season has been full of upsets, normally when you hear that the Coyotes are beating the Blackhawks or that the Predators are trouncing the Red Wings, you think that maybe you've stepped into an evil opposite dimension.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Team Name
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:19:09 PM »
You can always have a two kid team like this paradox Airsoft team!
hey, dick.. I didn't notice this before...

LOL I was wondering when you would see that.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Illegal to Troll in Arizona
« on: April 24, 2012, 02:24:52 PM »
If they pass a bill like this then they don't understand what it's like to be human anymore. People have opinions and no matter how ridiculous they are or how much sarcasm they use everybody has a different opinion about everything. The bill has awesome intentions but they are going about it the completely wrong way. They are limiting the freedom of speech and basically saying oh by the way we can get involved in your personal life by looking at your phones and computer usage. If my understand of the bill is wrong then someone please tell me. From my understanding though, this bill is complete shit.

I was going to say this bill seems a tad bit unconstitutional since it seems to be trampling over free speech. Not to mention that this will not stop determined trolls, they'll just hide behind a bunch of proxies or lead whoever tries to catch them on a wild goose chase. These lawmakers need to stop confusing themselves with subject matter experts on technology, clearly they are not and whatever intentions they had while noble, will be rendered moot when they come up against a knowledgeable individual.

I'm in for green.

There is a reason why we are telling you to man up and accept the fact that you will have to drive way out to play. Land that is legal to play on tends not to be near where people live or do business, I mean who wants to be just walking down the street minding their own business and getting zipped in the face by a airsoft gun?

it hasnt even reached what the temp will be in the summer???? MOTHER OF GOD

You must be new here :p

Yeah it'll get worse, and then it will feel like the devil's vacation home.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Tan or Multicam?
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:19:26 PM »
Up here in Prescott, at the fields my team play at, camo holds a high tactical advantage... obviously. Our fields are pretty close  quarters, so i say this with experience. The general landscape is desert, but with heavy foliage, and i find that even from even 10ft away, those who wear camo are significantly harder to spot than those without. Even while moving. Therefore i am a huge fan of camo. however, i am not familiar with phoenix area fields, but i assume less foliage, flatter terrain, and correct me if i am wrong. so i would guess camo has a bit less of an advantage. All i am saying is it depends on the fields terrain. Where i play, camo works damn well, therefore i always use it. In terms of multicam vs tan, i use either depending on my mood, and with mc, i run a coyote tan CIRAS and IBH and it looks pretty good IMO

I've been up to Prescott for games before, it sounds more like the lighting or lack thereof is what's making it harder for you to spot moving people.

Find the right rock and the right amount of shade, and even a dork like me in ACU would be hard to spot. I'm fairly sure that's up in a Prescott AO, that or Strawberry.

Lighting for sure plays a  factor. We play morning-midday and obviously the darker it gets, the harder it is to spot people, especially those who wear camo. All im trying to say is where i play, i find wearing camo definitely has its advantage. Often times i spot fellow team mates just by the vibrant red and yellow team patch we wear, otherwise i wouldnt have seen them. But with types of camo, they all essentially do the same thing in terms of disrupting the human figure. My team runs multicam, and im more partial to multicam. I know it works well, but for those who dont believe in camo for airsoft, thats fine, thats just how i like to play, and it works for me.

It doesn't appear to do that with ACU lol!

During those Prescott/Strawberry games that I was wearing ACU where I got stuck out in the open, I was described as a big alfalfa colored blob running around the field. Anyway back on topic the whole argument here was that newer players seem to think camo is a license to be careless with cover and position, it isn't. If you are smart about movement and positioning then I agree it will help, but lets get one thing straight, a guy in jeans and a t-shirt who moves intelligently through a field and uses cover and concealment wisely will always get the drop on someone wearing camo that lacks situational awareness and runs around out in the open like a chicken with its head cut off.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Best MEME's
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:22:20 AM »
Here you go fresnel you'll like this one

I found those on this mechwarrior memes thread.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Best MEME's
« on: April 12, 2012, 09:12:28 AM »

OMFG XD BEST EVER! lol I have seen others like this but I cant remeber where, if I can find more I will bring them here lol.


If there are any mechwarrior players still here, that pic reminds me of this one

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Need help building my own custom PC
« on: April 12, 2012, 09:06:37 AM »
Yeah, either video card is a step up from the one you listed. 

The primary "issue" on that motherboard is that the manual was printed wrong and the clear CMOS jumper MAY be in the wrong position.  Stupid to be sure, but beyond that there doesn't seem to be any complaints about the hardware and the price is good.  As long as you are aware of that up front, no big deal.  Sadly, as with all things China made quality is hit or miss.  I've had boards that have issues with multiple RAID controllers being active at once (Asus), Faulty Driver CD (MSI), and missing RAID drivers (Tyan).  When I'm motherboard shopping, I'm looking a features and hardware reliability.  Missing/Faulty drivers are an annoyance but easily resolved by downloading the proper ones.  Misprinted manuals can be a bigger issue, but typically a corrected one is available online by the time you have the board in hand.  EVGA is the only brand that I've NEVER had any issue with which is why I say their GPU's are worth the few extra $.  If you were doing an Intel build, I'd recommend them for the mobo as well. 

Southbridge fans that burn out quickly or RAID controllers you can't boot from are issue that you can't work around.  I didn't see any mention of issues like that on that mobo so I'd say you should be good to go on that.  Foxconn like all manufacturers have had bad products.  But keep in mind we are talking about the company that OEM's most of Apple's hardware.  Apple hardware is not known for failing.

Edit: To be clear, I could give you links to a couple of better 880G boards but they are another $20-$30.  You aren't going to get a great board at $55.

Agreed, you have to adjust your expectations, you will never be able to avoid these kinds of issues 100% of the time. But with that, at the very least you can take comfort in the fact that Newegg is very good about customer service, if you get a motherboard that goes belly up on you from the start, they will do what they can to replace/exchange it. On another note, I'd like to say +1 on the SSD recommendation, if you can somehow squeeze it into your budget, it will probably provide the most noticeable upgrade for everyday use. If you have read the hype about SSDs and are worried about their functionality because they are new, all I have to say is don't worry. A lot of them are into their 4th or 5th iterations, a lot of the problems that plagued the initial SSDs are ironed out and as long as you aren't using your SSDs to host a file server or something crazy like that, you won't use up the write cycles on it.

I did a rough count of the roster last week and came up with something like 628 people signed up. I think at the time one of the tan platoons wasn't filled up all the way and they didn't have an platoon commander or sgt. Even with that I was still pretty shocked to see that many people signed up, to think there could be even more than that is mind blowing!

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