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Messages - sigma85051

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title pretty much says it all.

KWA USP (ns1) $90 obo
this old school usp is still kicking strong and killing people on the field. i have just powder coated on of the slides that came from a ns2 usp but it all fits. the ns2 slide has the rails polished to promote gas effiency, cycle speed and smooth operation of the gun. the mag is solid with no leaks because i just resealed it myself. everything else in the gun is great and works fine, the only internal part that needs attention is the hop up bucking. it is just getting old and like any other old gas gun need to be replaced soon.

condor H rig $20 obo
not much to say on this thing. it is in good condition no hard damage. it is clean and just in need for a new user.

DD frog combat shirt $20
same story here. it is clean and no damage to it. color is still full and not faded. it is a medium regular.

here are some new pics of atacs on different back colors.

almond base

light green



tell me what you guys thing and what color you prefer. what one looks most like normal atacs to you.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: AirDog on Kickstarter
« on: June 30, 2014, 01:11:58 AM »
man i would so want one. to bad im poor.

Bump need to sell obo. Also will look at trades.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Elite Force products at Fightertown
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:08:23 AM »
Cost of each?

AEG's / Re: HK G36C dry firing?
« on: June 17, 2014, 12:45:48 AM »
The other day I was out airsofting with some guys. During one of the matches it randomly started dry firing. Switched mags, but it still was dry firing. This was the first time using the mid caps that came with the gun so I changed to my high caps. It still continued to dry fire. I have used the high caps before and never had an issue. The next day I took the gun apart which included the mag well, motor and gear box (still assembled), and the barrel cover. I looked through the barrel to make sure nothing may have gotten stuck, but it was clear. I connected the battery to the motor and gear box and shot it and there was air coming out. I'm not sure if that indicates anything?

Anyone have any ideas what might be going on? Also sorry if the terms aren't correct, I'm new to airsoft and still learning. 
make sure the nozzle is moving back and forth with each cycle. if it is just staying still than you have one of two problems and one u can easy check. first push on the nozzle inward, dos it move in than push back out? if no: 1 tappet plat may be stuck 2 return spring broke or 3 other component inside the gear box broke and locked it back. if yes: 1 you may have a broken tappet plate 2 (highly unlikely but happened like an odd duck to me once) nozzle came off the tappet plate 3 (even more unlikely) your sector gear broke or the cam fro the tappet plate broke. no matter what it really is, if the gun cycles but the nozzle dose not move you will have to open the gearbox. expect to at the least buy a new tappet plat and that should not cost to much. maybe in the ball park of $10 + whatever a tech will charge to install it. (note i do tech work if you need it) if the nozzle dose move with each cycle than you have a feed issue somewhere. this may be just a new bucking clean out the mags or check the hopup for any damage.

Bump offer up. Need this gone asap

Two crisps and a wallaby?
Sold!!!!!! I want Lol jk. Throw in a pet chimp and we are good

Bump offer up. Need this gone asap


As the total says I'm trying to just sell this rig. I bought it expecting to get a polar star but never gathered the funds to do so and don't think I will be able to for a long time. Well back story is that Nukeduster made this one as a demo for custom guns so it has very few rounds fired on it, I think he said less than 500, so it is still near new and needs about 500 more shots to be "broken in". I'm only looking to sell it for about $110 witch is a steal since he would retail this one around 180 if bought new from him. I'm just trying to get my money back out of it.

here are a few of the new patterns. check them out!

AEG's / Re: Weapon Photos
« on: May 13, 2014, 02:05:55 AM »
have not posting any pics yet so better now than never.

here is my ares knights armament m110 sniper.

now here is the g&g that i built for my buddy

next up is the g36 that i did for another buddy here on the fourm from team tribal

next up is my friends girlfriends gun ics mp5 that i also built

last but not least is the sidearm i did along time ago that i wish i never sold or traded and would give up anything to get it back. trusty old kwa usp 45 ns2 custom. * note if you have seen this gun contact the owner and let him or her know i would love to buy it back or trade because i really miss it if you are the owner well ummm yea can we make a deal lol*******

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: CA G36c, G&G Raider, JG MP5, KWA M93r.
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:37:07 AM »

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: CA G36c, G&G Raider, JG MP5, KWA M93r.
« on: April 30, 2014, 04:06:30 AM »
Bump kwa m93r sold.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: CA G36c, G&G Raider, JG MP5, KWA M93r.
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:41:34 PM »
Bump g36 sold

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