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Messages - Dayton

Pages: 1 ... 34 35 [36] 37 38 39
AEG's / Re: Full auto limits
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:32:26 PM »
Quote from: "BreechUnClear"
I spent 3 grand on a JG once.

Uhh... Did it shoot laser bb's, and do your homework too?

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: under 18? looking for a group? join us
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:29:58 PM »
Quote from: "Freedomf63"
The message below me is made by some 15 year old little prick.  I'll be giving a reward to whom ever can give me his address, so I can whoop his ass, and tell him that he can't be a little pussy on his mom's computer.

I'm not one to boast or brag, and I don't like to pick fights, so I'm not going to.  I accept that your immature, and ill-tempered, and hope some day that you'll grow out of it. Even though that is unlikely.

I'm not going to fight you, I don't want to, but meet me on an Airsoft field some time and BRING IT. [smilie=armata_pdt_35.gif]

(and no worries, I fixed that post for ya too)

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: I am Looking for a Team
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:01:02 AM »
Just keep your eye on the Local Games Listing/RSVP Section.  viewforum.php?f=106

Free games are posted up there all the time. If you find one you think you might be able to attend, PM the person hosting the game and ask if they will let you play even though you are 15.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I'm new to Airsoft
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:08:20 PM »
Quote from: "ColdFire"
Ok thanks Dayton!  [smilie=armata_pdt_01.gif]  Oh and by the way nice job telling off that kid who did drive by's with airsoft.  [smilie=armata_pdt_34.gif]

Meh...  I probably could have handled that a little better, but oh well.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: I have Questions
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:03:02 PM »
Well, I'm not sure what bumbed means, do you mean "Bumped"?  You'll see people in the trade/sale section post in their own thread with something as simple as "Bump" to bump their thread back up to the top of the list. When a thread gets a post, it moves to the top of the list in that section and moves all the others down one. So if a sellers thread is starting to get to the bottom of the list because nobody posted in their thread in a while, they will "bump" the thread up so people see it again. But don't abuse this ability, there is a sticky post in the sale section emphasizing on over bumping.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I'm new to Airsoft
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:53:26 PM »
Quote from: "ColdFire"
I might later on but for now I would like to join a team of people I don't know who can teach me more. Meeting new people is fun as well  [smilie=armata_pdt_12.gif]
So are there any teams near ahwatukee by south mountain that are recruiting?
Also what does "pm" or "pmed" mean?

PM means Private Message, PMed means Private Message'ed.

If you look at the bottom of every post, there is a little link button there that says "PM".  If you click that, it will let you send a private message to that forum user. Like sending them an email, but it stays on these forums.

I PM'ed you so you can see what I mean.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: how do i post pictures
« on: February 06, 2011, 11:56:59 AM »
What they said, and for example:

Code: [Select]
/ That will look like this. /

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: under 18? looking for a group? join us
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:11:21 AM »
Quote from: "Freedomf63"
Haha dude, seriously?  This isn't a formal thing in any way, so I can write however I want to.  Also, after driving around for over 2 hours, I don't really care.

As for Airsoft being outlawed?  Well, unless someone is just randomly in an abandoned neighborhood complex, there shouldn't be a problem.

There, I fixed it for ya.   [smilie=armata_pdt_18.gif]

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: under 18? looking for a group? join us
« on: February 05, 2011, 08:31:21 PM »
Quote from: "Freedomf63"
Hey that address you gave me....well lets just say 2 hours later i didn't F*(&$%U*(_&^)%*CKING find it.....maybe next and my friend just went to a abandoned neighborhood and called a freshmen...we tried to flank him as he was coming in but he took the high ground, and then some other kids rolled into the we cornered them for about 20 minutes...then our 1 friend left...we chased him with ak-47 fire....then we double backed to our stash of ammo and ruck sack...had to carry a rucksack for 25 meters....doing double time.....and then we did a drive buy on the kid going 45...anyways next time guys...

This is the kind of stuff that is going to get airsoft outlawed.
Good job, and may the (Removed this word, the intended insult recipient read it, so point made, and I decided it wasn't the nicest thing to say. Cheers. If you'd really like to know what it was, PM me.) watch over you as you sleep.

Oh, and BTW, sentences start with "CAPITAL" letters, and end with 1 period. Paragraphs are separated by hitting the "enter" key.

Happy Airsofting!

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I'm new to Airsoft
« on: February 05, 2011, 08:21:32 PM »
Quote from: "ColdFire"
Hi everyone! My name is Wyatt and I'm 15. I live in Phoenix and my friend got me into airsoft about a year ago. I have a gun and goggles but that's it. And I haven't been to any events but I'd love to go. So does anyone have any equipment I can buy cause I really need some. Oh and can anyone give me any tips as well.  Thanks!  [smilie=armata_pdt_12.gif]

Oh! Anyone know any good stores to go to around ahwatukee to get camo, and also are there any groups around here I can join because I may be new but I want to learn and would love to play. Thank you! [smilie=armata_pdt_01.gif]

See everybody! I knew one had to exist. It was starting to look like all the kids here under 20 were illiterate, immature, and disrespectful little know-it-alls.

Way to break out of the crowd. Bravo Wyatt =D>

Well, looks like you've been playing airsoft longer than I have, so I'm probably not the best one to be handing out tips. Only thing I'd say is don't feel stupid asking dumb questions. It's better to be un-knowledgeable and respectful with intent to learn, than trying to appear all-knowing and assuming the world owes you one.
Also, read this entire post. It's long, but it helped me out a ton. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10679

I buy most of my stuff online, not sure if there is anywhere in Ahwatukee that sells BDU's, but if I think of any I'll let ya know.

Not sure what your transportation is like (seeing as how your 15), but there is a little military surplus on Main and Gilbert in Mesa. But they can be a bit pricey on some things. (Freedom Surplus I think it's called)

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Amphibious Deuce
« on: February 05, 2011, 05:44:26 PM »
Quote from: "axisofoil"
That looks awesome... much, much better than what I thought the thread was about by reading the title...

Sick....... and wrong.......

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Amphibious Deuce
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:02:33 AM »
Quote from: "Raith"
I should do this with my Deuce some day...

Agreed. That would be a blast!

Other items for sale... / Re: Custom built Gaming PC - $2500 OBO
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:50:04 PM »
At least you got the video card right. Hehe, I'll never buy anything ASUS ever again, terrible luck with them for me, and could never get them to warranty anything. I have fallen in love with EVGA's Lifetime warranties though, (got a free GTX260 a few years ago because of it, yay)

What an odd looking case, cool though. I've never heard of Mountain Mods.

Is he willing to part it out? Or does he want to just sell it as a whole?

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: SCAR, G36C, MK96, Gear, Misc. 4 Sale
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:45:45 PM »

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: vanguard 2-12-11
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:39:38 PM »

I'll be there

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