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Messages - Basher

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General Off-Topic Discussion / Skydiving?
« on: March 28, 2004, 09:50:39 PM »
Anyone ever been? I think I will be going tandem rather then go to Prom. And if I like it, I'm going to try and talk my folks into letting me take the Class "A" Deluxe package at Eloy's Skydive Arizona. Anyone ever been there before? How did you like it?

Basically, I've never been before, but I've been doing some "homework" on the subject, and I'm so pumped about it that I can't get it off my mind. I'd like to learn to fly, but the Skydiving thing has my attention right now! I can hardly wait![:P][:D][^]

General Off-Topic Discussion / BattleField: Vietnam!!!
« on: March 21, 2004, 02:35:45 PM »
I got to try this thing out Friday, and boy is it a hoot. Here are a few new things to play with:

-ALL choppers now have an auto-hover feature. No more need to tap the up button ("W"). Simply hold the button down until you're reached altitude, and then you can leave it alone. Of course, in forward flight (or while performing any maneuver), you need to hold the button. In order to come down, you need o hold "S" (much like applying negative collective. Took some getting used to, but I like it!).

-Heuy's have a winch. Want to pick up your buddies in that Mike boat or PBR and get them (and their firepower) to another area quick? Or how about moving that Sherman to the NVA's spawn point? No problem. Just hover over the item you want to move, drop the winch, wait for it to hook up, and boogey.

-A Chinook is available in certain levels. Great fun, and you can land on water! Cobra's are also available.

-Include F-4, MiG-21, MiG-17, A7 Crusader, etc. Napalm included with the Phantom. [}:)] They are missing the OE-1 Bird Dog for FAC. I'd like to be able to launch smoke rockets to mark heavily populated areas to maximize the damage that napalm does. [}:)]

-The "Sniper Rifles" are actually accurate (so you don't need to mess with your gun to find out where your bullets impact in relation to your crosshairs). One shot kills are a breeze with any of them. Leading running targets is also easy.

-The M60 is a little too accurate I think. It is FAR more affective than it should be (the NVA's RPD is no match, and they should at least be close).

-Engineers can "disassemble" tanks with their torch. You're basically destroying them, but much faster than a LAW would.

-I've heard that the shovel you can get is for moving spawn points. Not sure on that one.

-NVA get punji stakes, but I never used them.

-Handguns are accurate and deadly.

Maps, Environment, etc.:
-If you lay down in tall grass, you almost disappear. You are VERY difficult to see, and you usually need to use binoculars to spot good players.

-There aren't a lot of maps, but there are enough to keep you busy.

-You can also change how your character looks. That's fairly helpful when you want to make yourself difficult to see (only a vest up top, or do you want full sleeved Tiger Stripes?).

There's more, but I can't list everything. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and the music is great. Perfect for the time period, and all are good selections. I've heard that if you press "O" while you're in a vehicle (any one), you can listen to some tunage while you're flying/driving around. You even get to pick from a playlist! I never knew about that until after we left Xtreme Gaming. Anyway, I'd suggest it. Two thumbs up. [:D]

Real Firearms / Trigger Control
« on: March 10, 2004, 06:27:58 PM »
This may seem to come from out of nowhere, but I read a few posts lately that pertain to this, and thought that some of the younger guys may be intersted in it.

I've read a few posts from people who say that using their airsoft gun helps with trigger control. I'd like to point something out to them that may save them some embarassment later on.

Your airsoft gun doesn't help with trigger control much! This may come as a surprise to you, but allow me to explain why.

First, your airsoft gun has a trigger weight of probably around 3-4 pounds, less if it's a 1911 clone. If it's a Beretta or something else, the gap gets even wider. My real Beretta 96 has had some trigger work, and it still breaks a 5lbs. in single and about 11-12lbs. in doulbe action. You're airsoft gun probably hits 5lbs on double, max.

Second, you don't have to contend with passive firing pin blocks, which MAY raise trigger pull.

Third, you don't have live ammo to play with. How does this relate to trigger control? Easy. Allow me to explain this. I love my Beretta. I love my 422 and our (dad and I's) Buckmark. I like dad's .357. BUT, my wonderful dry-fire trigger pull vanishes on the range.

Why? Well, I've been told that I "fried" my brain somewhere in life. I was exposed to overly-loud noises somewhere which have instilled in me a subconscious fear of them. I dry fire fine, but as soon as some lead gets in that gun, things go south (literally). I print way low on the target, and that's something that can onlybe fixed with finger exercises, LOTS and LOTS of dry firing, and LOTS of range time.

So, don't be let down if you hit the range and you jerk all over the paper. It's not your airsoft gun's falt, it's yours! I don't know how many of you minors get to hit the range with any form of frequency, but you may already be an accomplished shot. If you don't go often, don't sell you airsoft gun if you print a weather report (bad group).

I just thought I'd give you all some first-hand experience. Some of you minors could use some. If you're truely intersted in real guns, take not. Every little bit now will help later. [:D]

General Off-Topic Discussion / Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre
« on: January 18, 2004, 07:02:17 PM »
Anyone tried this yet? Probably not since it's not out yet (Tuesday is release day). However, Xtreme Gaming on Alma School and the 60 is a member of IE Games or something like that, so they got an early release for promotion. It's a lot like Battle Field, but you can't fly choppers or drive the Hummers. You can ride in them and use the guns, though. The graphics are amazing compared to BF. I

t's game play is like the old HL (every man for himself). You pick a specialty (Sniper, Gunner, CQB, etc.) and you can use the corresponding weapons that would fit that character. Also, you're not limited to just one gun for that role (ie., Battle Field only lets you use an M25 for sniping, or an M16 for assault. This game gives you at least 4 main weapon choices and 3-4 secondary choices). However, you can stop by the armory mid-game and switch roles to get different weapons. Accessing the armory menu also replenishes ammo automatically. I haven't figured out how to host games yet, or play single player (those options weren't available). Xtreme Gaming (XG) had a game running already, though.

Sniper is great in the game. Everything is real accurate (like it should be), and one hit from a .308 in the upper chest or head is a one-shot kill (as it should be). You are awarded pointed for different kinds of kills (long-range sniping, long-range non-sniping, knife kills, etc.). There are also binoculars, which are VERY handy (I know), and night vision. You also have the lean feature found in Call of Duty and Raven Sheild. All in all, if you can get used to the game play (and how technical the game is), it's very fun. [:D]

Real Firearms / AR-15 SBR?
« on: January 12, 2004, 04:05:30 PM »
So I was talking to this SWAT guy I'm always referring to about my shop teacher (who loves his AR) who wants to know about cast/forged receivers. Then I mention that I want to buy a little something for fun over time as I get the funds. He goes off on his thing telling me to get this and that. I can't afford most of it, but it sounds like fun. Then he mentions barrels. He asks if I was going to use a 10 or 14.5" barrel. My eyebrows rose about a foot.

"16 incher," I said.
"Why 16 inches?" he asks.
"Well, that's the legal limit, right?"
"Yeah, if you want to be like everyone else."
"Well, I want to get varmint accuracy out to 300 or so yards."
"Yeah, so. We get about that out of our tens all the time."

So he goes on to tell me that I can build an SBR and get by just fine with the $300 tax.

Now, since I only see him for an hour, I didn't get the time to ask him this, although I'll ask him this next week sometime. But I wanted to see what you guys had to say about it.

I want a Pre-ban style rifle with this 11.5" or 14.5" barrel, if i go this route. Can I build one if I pay the $300 tax? Or should I buy a Post-ban Bushy, and then buy the extra parts, and then throw those on the day or so after the ban sets? Or should I just buy everything seperate, and then build the thing from scratch when the ban sets? I've got my M70 in .308, but .308 is crazy expensive (which I knew would happen, but I had to have one anyway). .223 is MUCH cheaper, and an AR would be multipurpose. What do you guys think or suggest? Again, I'll ask him later to get the official word on things. Thanks.

General Off-Topic Discussion / The Specialist
« on: December 06, 2003, 10:04:01 PM »
Any give this CS mod a try? I find it to be rather entertaining. Think of Max Payne crossed with Firearms and CS. You can dive, do backflips, slow down time, freeze time, dodge bullets (it's designed to play out like the Matrix), and run along walls. Also, you can switch between guns and "Kung Fu" mode, which involves numerous hand-to-hand fighting moves that are very entertaining to watch. By pressing "X," one can watch their player third-person (it's like a chase camera), so you can see all the action. Graphics are incredible, and the maps are very good. Once you have things figured out, you can learn advanced tricks like jumping from building to building (ala Matrix), superdives (looks like you're flying), and a few others. The action is intense on some maps.

You get enough people playing on the smaller maps, and it's constant mayhem. Dojo is great, sinceit's real small map good for Kung Fu, slow motion, bullet dodging, and akimbo handguns. Pick it up at (I think that's it).

General Off-Topic Discussion / Any FFL holders? URGENT!
« on: November 12, 2003, 03:48:23 PM »
I need an FFL holder to make a transfer from out of state for me. I was hoping someone would be able to handle a transfer from an individual, rather than have to go through an FFL holder on BOTH ends, and end up paying $50 or so to do so, rather than just $15-25 for my end. Does anyone here hold an FFL, and would be willing to do this? It's a Savage MarkII LV .22 rifle. Thanks!

General Off-Topic Discussion / Battlefield "Desert Storm"?
« on: June 24, 2003, 03:44:13 PM »
Anyone give this a try yet? It's still in Alpha version, but it plays great. F16's, Harriers, MiG 29's, A10's, Apaches, UH-60's, M16, Beretta, M14, AK47, RPG, all those goodies. It's a great game! Thoughts?

Nick R.

Gas Powered Guns / Which for "messing around?" (yeah, newbish)
« on: June 20, 2003, 11:12:26 PM »
OK, I hate these posts, but I can't seem to make much of an informed decision myself. I've read reviews (the ones I can find), and asked around. I've also seen the responses to questions like this, some of which I have responded to myself.

What I'm looking for is a low-cost GBB or NBB that won't cost more than $100-115 (preferably a pinch less), but won't break after a week, and have "Made in China" stamped all over the inside. The reason I'm looking for something cheap, and not saving for another WA (although I'd LOVE to), is that I can't afford to get back into airsoft to any large degree. I would just like to have a little something that I can use to "informally skirmish" my friends with.

I've basically got it down to the KWC M9, the KWC 1 Joule 1911, or the KJW Ruger Mk. 1, or anything I can find used that's in GOOD (ie, usable and looks at least decent) condition. Anyone with measureable experience, please chip in. Thanks for tolerating this post and helping a desperate airsoft addict find something to nurse his habit until he can afford to get back in. [:o)][B)]

Nick R.

Nick R.

AEG's / How do you remove a gearbox from an AUG body?
« on: June 20, 2003, 06:27:59 PM »
Not knowing how to get the gearbox out of the body stopped me from getting a job today. So, now I want to know. What I needed to fix was a broken tappet plate, or so I think. I was told that, with a loaded mag, the AUG would "fire," but nothing would be fired. Dry shots basically. My MP5 did that a while back, and it was my tappet plate. So I knew how to fix that problem. I was told if I could fix it, I could have the job, right then and there. But I just didn't know how to get the flipping thing out! Somebody has to know how, so I can put this thing to rest. I still can't believe I missed getting the job by so little. [:(!][:(][V][xx(]

General Off-Topic Discussion / Attn. Real-Steel Shooters! I have a Q!
« on: June 15, 2003, 08:59:35 PM »
I've got a Beretta 96 that I've been messing with for a while, and I'm beginning to get "serious" with it. The local gun shops have a pretty wide selection of various .40 ammo in different weights, but they all lack one specific brand I absolutely have to try. Nobody near me sells Black Hills ammo!!!![:(] Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a few boxes of their .40 ammo? Thanks!

Nick R.

General Airsoft Discussion / Job at Command Post
« on: June 15, 2003, 06:54:58 PM »
If I'm lucky enough, I may be able to secure a job at the Tempe location of the Command Post. I've contacted John, the owner, via e-mail and expressed an interest in a position. He responded, and let me know that there may be a "temporary" opening. My next step is to go see him in person for an interview of sorts. I feel confident I can perform the tasks usually performed at a paintball shop, as well as those that involve airsoft. My main interest right now is trying to improve their selection, and to see if I can't get them to use dedicated wall guns, so you aren't buying a "used" gun from them when you buy one off the wall (or shelf, for GBB's). On top of this, is there anything that anyone would like done in specific to the airsoft side of things? Maybe see if I can't get a wider selection of guns, and lower the prices? Better BB's? I'm just feeling the water here, as I don't have the job, YET! But I'd like to know what they majority of the local customers (you guys) would like to see.

Nick R.

Gas Powered Guns / KJW Ruger Mk. I NBB?
« on: June 11, 2003, 03:09:27 PM »
Has anyone given this gun a try yet? It's advertised as running at 430fps on green gas out of a 5" barrel. Sounds like just what I need for outdoor, night skirmishes and long-range shots that I love so much. Sounds like a great deal at $60-70 depending on who you buy from.

Nick R.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / SOLD - Western Arms SV Infinity 5" Standard
« on: March 14, 2003, 11:00:47 PM »
Due to recent events (in my personal life), I have chosen to take a break from the airsoft world and move on for a while. Money is need elsewhere to pay off a Defensive Driving Course, etc. So, I'm selling my SVI. It has been VERY well cared for. Periodically taken apart (bench stripped, to the last screw), cleaned, greased and oiled, and reassembled. It functions flawlessly. The mag well is a little worn, but any well loved pistol would be worn here as well. Nothin major, just a little scraping inside from quick changes. The finish is slightly worn off on all the normal handling places (beavertail, safety, sides of frame, etc.). WA hasn't yet perfected the art of finishing metal, methinks. [:(]

Two mags, both standard 30 rounders, both have had NOTHING, and I MEAN NOTHING in them but 134a (or well oiled Duster, using Chase's method). Nothing but Excel .2g BB's have been through this gun. There is a slight bit of orange on the grooves atop the barrel, as Chase couldn't get it all. I still have all the trigger's (extended, short, and competition), all hex wrenches (hop-up and trigger change), loading tools, manuals, targets, warnings, tags, and the original bag of factory BB's, as well as it's box. The box got a bit beat up during shipping, but it's in pretty good shape otherwise.

I'd like to get about $175 for for all of this. I'd also throw in the rest of my Excel BB's (about 800 or so). Cost me $240 brand new. E-mail me if you're interested at . Please don't post. I don't get on often enough to check. Thanks!

Nick R.

I decided to take a photography class at my high school, and we just picked up a 35mm SLR camera (Canon EOS Rebel G) for the class. We'll be taking black and white photos. Anyone use these kind of cameras and can offer a few tips just to get me started? I learn things best by doing, so I'll catch on pretty quick once I get some film in there. Thanks!


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