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Messages - rclementew

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General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 26, 2005, 09:30:31 PM »
I had a grandfather who was in the air force.  He told me countless stories of seeing UFO's (he grew up in nevada and flew in the air force and air natl guard all over the southwest).  He also had SOME top secret clearance and he also flew into area 51 every now and then.  He told me he doesnt think there are aliens at A51 or anything of the sort.  His reasoning for all of the strange sightings were top secret government projects.  

Thats what I tend to believe.  If the AF is testing some awesome new technology its not crazy to think that PHX would be in the flight paths from time to time.  

BTW- My grandfather flew in an F-104 from vegas to phx in about 9 minutes (mach 2.5).  Not bad eh?

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 19, 2005, 05:34:46 PM »
The jews have just as much of an ancient right to inhabit the area as the palestinians do.   The jews were scattered from their lands roughly 2500 years ago in whats called the diaspora.  After WWII the holy land was occupied and split between the jews and the arabs.  The Israeli's declared independence and now we have israel.  The original seperation of land was fairly even but the arabs made the mistake of trying to TAKE IT ALL and they ended up losing even more land (a mistake the arab states would make again later).  

Historically, the palestinians have never settled for what they have.  They will not stop until there is no israel.  Therefore giving them more room to launch their mortars is just ridiculous.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 17, 2005, 03:14:17 PM »
Im with you on this one.  Gaza is just a pawn in the game that will never end until the palestinians are happy--and the only way for them to be happy is to push the jews into the sea.  On the news we see hamas militants rallying and celebrating in the streets at this new victory against israel.  Next, its the entire west bank.  After that, its jerusalem.  Soon, those israeli's who havent already figured this out will realize they must eventually take back this land or they will be forced to live with the fact that they voluntarily gave it to the very terrorists that attack them daily.  As for peace in the region--that requires two parties who are BOTH willing to make compromises and BOTH comitted to peace.

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: August 13, 2005, 07:11:39 PM »
Im gonna guess carlsbad.

My name is brady, I am 18 and i live in mesa and im looking to get into airsoft.  I have a kwa G26c and looking to get an aeg.  I tried paintball but it just didnt cut it for me.  I like the idea of realistic feeling weapons, gear and tactics.  Im looking to buy an aeg soon but of course i would appreciate some advice on what to buy.  Im eyeing the src's that JT is selling though because of its low price and i have heard nothing but good things (i guess i should say ive heard nothing bad about it, because what i have heard isnt all that hyped).  Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and i appreciate any advice and words of encouragement you can give.  Thx.

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