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Messages - 19dcav

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Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:51:41 PM »
Hey guys-

Just thought that I would clarify FPS limits and general rules.  We will be generally following the AA rules and guidelines for the game. I know the original limits and rules were confusing.  

Sorry do not have a lot of time right now.  I will add more later.  Just let me know if you are coming out!


Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:02:27 PM »
As far as people go, we have about 16-17 guys from WARLORD AIRSOFT.  Ages range from 14- 41, with the median age being 24-25.  Some guys have had military experience and others do not.  In either case, everyone has gear and knows how to play.  As far as Airsoft Airzona players are concerned, if all of the guys that have said that they are coming do so, we should have another 10-15 guys.  I cannot confirm the exact number because I do not know them personally.  If it is not too much trouble, it would be nice if everyone who is coming for sure post it on this thread or PM me to let me know so I can give an exact answer.  Combined, we are looking at a ballpark figure of 25-30 guys roughly.

As far as teams break down, we would love to go green and tan (with ACU as green and Multicam tan), but I feel there is more to consider in team break down such as equipment and experience.  So I think we will go with some type of armband.  If anyone has an idea let me know.

The games will revolve around OPERATION RED HAND which I briefly explained earlier on in the thread.  If you guys have any suggestions let me know.

This is the biggest game I have planned to date.  Most have been half as big, so thank you very much for bearing with me. I appreciate the suggestions and will see you in the field on Saturday.


OK guys-


I contacted the Tonto Basin Ranger Station and discussed everything with them.  I talked with Susan (cannot post last name) and she along with others in the office found my inquiry slightly amusing.  Anyway, the same rules and restrictions apply here as at Four Peaks.  They now know and understand what we will be doing as well as what airsoft entails (they had no idea what airsoft was at first) and where we will be located.  So, all of you hesitant on coming out to play- you can now come out.  There is no written paper work for these events it is all indeed verbal.  

Thank you for the questions and concerns.  We want to stay within the law.  You can PM me if there are any further questions.

Thanks guys.

See you all out in the field on Saturday!!


PHONE: (928) 467-3200

Contact: SUSAN

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: March 04, 2009, 12:21:44 AM »

I did not realize that this was going to cause such a debate.  I have been checking up on the spot we will be playing at.  I will have all of the information updated tomorrow afternoon.  Everything will be disclosed and the proper athorities will be contacted.  What I can tell you is the area is vast and it is public land according to the assessor's website.  I have never had to do this with airsoft, only film.  My background is mostly in procuring filming locations.

I do understand and appreciate the concern for the law.  I was not counting on there being so much interest on the forum as this was one of our first postings.  

However, the bottom line is that I do not want there to be arguments taking place for this (and any other future games).  We all need to have concern for the law and for the our safety as well as for the safety of others.  There should be no debate on this point.  Rest assured that we will be playing this game on Saturday, whether it be held at OKC or perhaps Four Peaks (they are close to each other and Four Peaks is a popular airsoft location).  

I will conduct this game in an appropriate manner.   So if you were planning on coming out to play- do so.  We have a good number of guys both exclusively from our group as well as from AA.

Lastly, I really do not want anymore arguing on this post.  We all like airsofting we all want to do our best for the game, so no more arguing.  Listen to digitydog, "settle down, everything will be fine."

I will post my findings tomorrow so stay tuned and get ready for the OP.


Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: March 03, 2009, 03:33:10 PM »
We had picked the Arbys parking because it was a good central location.  I really was not expecting so many people so I was not thinking the parking was going to be an issue.  It is too late to change the place because I do not want there to be any confusion.  If there are too many we will move across the street and park there.  It will work, there is nothing to worry about.

As far as legal issues are concerned.  We have been playing at this area for about 2 years now and have never had any problems.  So do not worry it is a cool play to play (legally speaking).  

I hope that clears any questions for now.  If you have anymore, just ask. See you on SATURDAY!

Thanks guys!

Local Games Listing/RSVP / UPDATE
« on: March 02, 2009, 10:44:21 PM »
Hey Everybody-

Here is a little update on the game.  So far it looks like we have at least 20 people.  If all of you guys who posted can make it that will put us way over that number.  It looks like this is going to be a fairly big game (people-wise)  I really hope everyone can make it, should be tons of fun.  In any case, we will wait at the meeting place for about 15 minutes and then head out to OKC.  

Also, if anyone has a 249 (SAW) it would be great to even out teams (so each team has a support weapon).  We should have one already out there, its nothing big...just throwing it out there!  

See you guys out in the field...

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:32:41 AM »
[attachment=0:12e7d7hq]Operation_RedHand copy.jpg[/attachment:12e7d7hq]

This is the logo

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:21:01 AM »
This IS the the Arby's in Fountain Hills.  Just to let you guys know.  The parking lot is shared with some other fast food places like Taco Bell I think.  But in any case just look for the Arby's.  It is on the left hand side of Shea (north side if I am not mistaken) going towards the 87 freeway.  If you get the the 87 you went too far.  You should see us in the parking lot (the guys wearing BDUs).

Hope to see you all there!

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: ***OPERATION: RED HAND*** March 7, 2009
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:32:56 AM »
OK here is some more information about the event:

It is on March 7th.  We are meeting at the Arby's in the parking lot on the corner of Shea and the 87 freeway.  It is on the left side of Shea about a block away from the turn off.  We will be meeting at 10:00am and will sort out transportation (as this location is off road and some people have trucks that can make and others do not).  We will then caravan to the location so no one gets lost.  OKC is a few minutes past the four peaks turn off going north on the 87.  The reason for the name is because there is a corral near the entrance.  However, it basicly turns into a collection of washes that form sort of a trench system that provides good cover and great combat.  It will certainly be a great event.  We have airsofted there many times before and it is a good place. We hope to see you all there.

There are some set game senarios for the game, but we are easy and will take any suggestions for additional games.  Mainly all of the games will revolve around OP: Red Hand (a ficticious US and Allied Operation that engages ex-Soviet militias who are commiting genocide in ex-soviet block states like Georgia).  But like I said we are easy and will play whatever.

If you want to see what we look like and what we use for our games (as far as gear goes), you can go to our website  It is just the myspace page right now, but we are working on getting the real website up and running soon.  It will let you know what exactly we do.

This is my first post on AA, but I have been playing for a while now.  I am kind of the ring leader for this group.  I hope to meet some new people.

If anyone has any other questions let me know.  You can email me at

Thanks for your intrest in the OP.

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