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Messages - Sergeant First Class Keenan

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General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: question for Marines.
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:30:59 PM »
As a Recruiter, I just want to let my fellow Jarheads know Marine Recruiters are pretty upstanding. I've never met a Marine Recruiter that I would consider shady. I have total trust and faith that your recruiter is gonna do everything he can do for you. Active Army Recruiters however will tell you whatever you need to hear to get you in boots.

I enlisted in the Marines in 98 with an open contract, in my mind at that time in my life being a Marine doing whatever was good enough for me. It wasn't always awesome but I was happy just getting to be on the "Varsity Team"

With that, I wish you luck. Weigh your options and stick with it.

PM sent.

Accessories & Gear / Re: Gear & YOU: Working Towards A Better Future (TM)
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:18:53 PM »
So true.

30-45 minutes 3 times a week of mild cardio (tred-mil, stair stepper, olpitcal, ect) will really help throw in 1 minute of push ups (on your knees to begin with) and 1 minute of crunches 3 times a week will make airsoft easier, and life in general better.

Honestly if your winded standing in line waiting to order your super size combo meal, airsoft might not be the hobby for you. And god knows the Army National Guard aint gonna be in your future.

Anyway. Learning how to wear your gear the right way, (back pack on tight and high, not droopy) evened outload, not hauling around more then needed, ect all help.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Just a question
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:58:07 PM »
if I were you I'd tell him to keep telling his lame ass story and you can tell the story of what a vigina feels like.  =D>

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: mre's
« on: January 15, 2010, 08:15:10 PM »
Honestly MRE's suck ass unless your really, really, really starving. One (1) Military MRE has enough cal's to sustain a Soldier/Marine, ect for a 24 hour period, as long a you have enough water to go with it, or you will dehydrate yourself.

If you need emergency food, I would say throw a few cans of chef boyrdee in your car and call it a day. Better tasting and easier to poop.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Deployment
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:59:56 PM »
lol trick is to send in mouth wash bottles......  [smilie=armata_pdt_06.gif]

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Re-Enlisting...
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:57:51 PM »
SV is a shithole........ Getting laid would be easy. Your employed. ETS and move on.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: question for Marines.
« on: December 13, 2009, 05:06:40 PM »
Talk to your Recruiter. You should have an MOS prior to you 2nd swear in.

I just saw this! damn I wish I woulda been in before it ended!! Being a Recruiter and all.......... I can PROMISE you that there hasn't been a "Join the Military or go to Jail" since 1970. So uh yeah..... Sounds cool to say it but those are just excuses from shitty troops that don't belong in the Military.

Aggravated Assualt falls under table 2-3 of the consolidated list of law violations dated 23 OCT 2002 and ECM FY-2002 and is is listed as Felony Non-Waivable.

Burglery, to include possession of burglary tools in any degree is considered a Felony Non-Waivable. Also out of the ECM FY-2007

In fact all Felony convitions (a Conviction as far as the military is concerned is anything other NOT GUILTY, Probation, Time Served, TASK, DIFFERSON, or anything else in the eyes of the Military is considered a Conviction) have been Non-Waivable sine ECM FY-2002.

Now keep in mind if the Charges are Dropped or Reduced without any of the above things then the Military will see it as the Final Dispostion. You can be charged with Agg Assualt but the State dropped it to a Simple Assualt, and the Military will look at as the lower charge.

Burglery, to include possession of burglary tools in any degree is considered a Felony Non-Waivable. Also out of the ECM FY-2007.

A DUI is OKAY, but more then 2 DUI's and your DONE. Non-Waivable. Dated ECM FY-02

Domestic Violence, Falls under the Lautenberg Convitions Policy and Applies to ALL applicants to the military. DOC Hollywood can fill in the rest but basiclly if you cant carry a firearm you can't enlist.

Now as far as ANY MOS Requiring a Secret or high clearence, at this time there is ZERO Tolerence for ANY DRUG USE EVER IN YOUR LIFE PERIOD. In fact if you drink more then 6 beers in sitting you will draw a Psych Cons and will be DENIED a Clearence, due to your "Drinking Problem"

Since 2003 there has been ZERO Tolerence for ADMITED drug use for anyone trying to go into Avaition MOS's.

I know lots of people like to talk how badass they were back on the block but really if they were they wouldn't be in.

Trust me I know of many "Recruiters are lieing shitbags" stories but I'm here to say its not possible to put convicts in anymore to many checks and balances and too many Felony's the Recruiter would commit himself.

Not saying Recruiters are perfect but I think your more likely to find dirtbag Recruiters banging out applicants in a "G-Car" then messing with the FBI fingerprint background check.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Deployment
« on: December 04, 2009, 05:59:59 PM »
Lots of Porn on your Laptop. Bring a 360/PS3, IPOD, MAYBE a GPS, some nice ear plugs, some good lifting gloves for the gym. and the kinda snival gear you prefer. Being SECFOR, your gonna be rolling in guntrucks and sittin in towers alot (If its anything like OIF III) Get some subsriptions to magazines you like. Other then that dont buy gear 'till you know your AO.

PM when your ready for booze. Same with you Morgan.


Accessories & Gear / Re: Propper?
« on: October 08, 2009, 05:51:19 PM »
I don't know the best place to order from online, But if you go to Papago Park Military Reservation on 52nd St and McDowell Rd the National Guard Uniform store carries every size of ACU's you could want and you can try 'em on. All you need is Picture ID (as in a Drivers Lic) to enter the gate. Ask the MP how to get to the Uniform store.

Like azsarge said pay attention to the wash instructions! always was uniforms in cold water turned inside out and either hang dry, or dry on low with a dryer sheet. THEY WILL SHRINK IN HOT WATER.

Not a problem guys I'm glad everyone had a good time.

I'll take a dozen.

The Swapmeet is going on right now.

If your coming, park outside and head up the stairs on the north side of the Armory (Signs are posted) and walk on in. If needed we can set up your table in the Chow Hall. A/C is on and we are watching Black Hawk Down.

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