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Messages - dirtnapper73

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General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: East mesa groups
« on: June 07, 2009, 11:09:43 AM »
Thats a bummer, just gonna have to hit the rez and see is some friends will let me use there backyard. Thanks, was planning on hitting gearbox next week when i get paid.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: East mesa groups
« on: June 07, 2009, 10:08:08 AM »
Obviously something isnt working :-P Is there anybody in east mesa that plays? Maybe you have a favorite legal shooting area that you could share so i can zero my scopes or test my guns? How about a favorite store that you get your gear from in mesa that you could tell me about (currently getting my gear from vanguard paintball, good store). Something, anything people lol. Help a skin out ;-)

Quote from: "TheHamburglar"
Quote from: "dirtnapper73"
I know its kinda far out but would anyone happen to know if there is going to be a game between july 12-19? i go on vacation and would really like to be able to finally go to one of the rebel union games. Im almost all geared out and anxious as hell to get out there!
Based off the current planning there should be a game on the 18th no promises though as i dont set the games im mostly there for sarcastic and  witty remarks against fourwheel ^^ but that guess is based off speculation of the last 3 weeks games ^^

Ok i will keep an eye out, really looking forward to a game, any recommendations on what i should bring besides my basic gear?

I know its kinda far out but would anyone happen to know if there is going to be a game between july 12-19? i go on vacation and would really like to be able to finally go to one of the rebel union games. Im almost all geared out and anxious as hell to get out there!

Accessories & Gear / Re: vests and chest rigs
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:44:15 PM »
Quote from: "Firebert"
Dont forget your local Airsoft store Gearbox.  They are located in Tempe just down the road from your Casino Arizona.
Would you happen to know if they sell bigger sizes, like 3x-4x chest rigs and vests? If not maybe i can get my molle pieces, are they pretty cheap there?

Accessories & Gear / Re: vests and chest rigs
« on: June 05, 2009, 10:57:03 AM »
Thank you those are great sites i will take a look and see what i can find, thanks again

Accessories & Gear / vests and chest rigs
« on: June 05, 2009, 07:54:00 AM »
Ok if some of you havent noticed ive been asking a lot of questions lately, from radios to play areas to weapons. I have been an avid paintballer for many years and spent thousands on gear over the duration, but do to money and air constraints, (nitro just doesnt last long) airsoft just seemed like a better choice. So now im setting up all my gear again and having to ask a lot of questions pertaining to equipment that im not familiar with, but thats how you learn....what was i talking about? Oh i just wanted to ask another question, Im i bigger guy, big shoulders, stocky...ok im a fat bastard and i need to find vests or chest rigs that range in the 3x-4x size. anyone know of any stores in the valley that carry them, or web sights? thanks

Introduce Yourself! / Re: EVA is rebuilding the team! East mesa !!
« on: June 05, 2009, 07:03:25 AM »
Hey there power and brown here, looking to play anywhere near here. Im 36 so if you dont mind an old man taggin along im in ;-P I can play multiple positions cause so far a have a p90, SCAR, M5, m249 mkII, all echo1 and should have a utg mk96 sniper coming on fathers day. Im off on mon tues which make it kinda hard but i can always lose some sleep on the weekends to play (i work nights). So send me an email when and where :) ttyl

Accessories & Gear / Re: radios
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:52:43 AM »
Quote from: "Airsofter1"
Quote from: "dirtnapper73"
Hey just wondering if anyone could recommend a decent radio, not sure if a 2 way would work ok or not. What i need is an inexpensive radio that can pick up platoon channels and squad channels, easy to use and can except i mic or ear piece. Also something small and light weight that can be hooked to web belt is a must. Was wondering if something like this would let me pick up multiple users or just only let me talk to the other person on the other radio. ... Id=3244403

Im just not to familiar with what is needed to pick up group radio chatter. Thanks for any recommendations!

Those radios look like they would work fine for what you are asking.  But so would a cheap Moto, Midland, etc.
The answer to the latter part of your question is different, however.  You can set your radio to scan several channels yes, or you can have multiple radios set to their own channels.

The Icoms a lot of people use are nice, but there are far more features and capabilities then most of will ever use let alone need to use in a game.  Ever.  I am constantly amazed at how many people drop money on an Icom and never learn how to use even the most basic functions.  Of course this is not limited to just Icoms.  

For intra squad talk, if everyone has the same radio that is good enough - all your equipment will be compatible still, and you will be less likely to experience rx/tx problems within your group.

A couple of tips from the pros:
-Never use VOX, ever.  I just doesn't work.
-If your radio has call tones, turn them off and never use them.
-Don't forget to lock your buttons/keypad.
-Throat mics suck.
-Read the instruction manual and know how to use it.

And one last thing - wearing your radio on your back looks cool, but from my experience keep it where its handy and where your PTT isn't going to get hit by your weapon stock.

Damn and i was looking forward to getting a throat mic to :-P

Accessories & Gear / Re: radios
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:35:38 AM »
Great thanks for all the tips and advice, i ended up getting these ... age=family
Think they will due for now, if i start hitting the bigger games (which i fully intend to do)i will upgrade to a better radio. But for now these should work ok right? I should be able to tune in to everyone elses radios i mean. Sorry for all the newb questions, ive just never used these hand helds before. When i was in the army we had these big ass sinc or seal radios (unsure of the name), man were they a bitch to configure. Just hoping i dont have to upgrade that much just to hear platoon orders

Accessories & Gear / Re: radios
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:32:16 AM »
Cool thank you very much for the info, not sure if i need a high end but i will look into them thanks again :)

Accessories & Gear / radios
« on: June 03, 2009, 12:42:41 PM »
Hey just wondering if anyone could recommend a decent radio, not sure if a 2 way would work ok or not. What i need is an inexpensive radio that can pick up platoon channels and squad channels, easy to use and can except i mic or ear piece. Also something small and light weight that can be hooked to web belt is a must. Was wondering if something like this would let me pick up multiple users or just only let me talk to the other person on the other radio. ... Id=3244403

Im just not to familiar with what is needed to pick up group radio chatter. Thanks for any recommendations!

General Airsoft Game Discussion / East mesa groups
« on: June 02, 2009, 11:35:03 PM »
Hello, im looking for any groups that get together in or around the east mesa area. Looking for a mature 20+ age group. Have a few friends that are just getting into airsoft like myself and looking to see whats out there and a good spot to play. Any kinda game is welcome, mil sim, CS, hostage rescue, anything really. Thanks!

Troubleshooting / echo1 box mag on the p90
« on: June 01, 2009, 10:37:33 PM »
I recently purchased a echo1 e90 and a few days later i purchased the echo1 box mag for it along with the companies m4 hi-cap mag. The problem im having is that on auto the gun shoots just fine, but on semi the shots become inconsistent, most will just dribble out of the barrel or skip shots. ive tried different hi-cap mags with the same result and the stock p90 mags shoot fine on semi. Anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it?

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