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Messages - Blood Red Smurf

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I know this sounds stupid and people are going to critisize me but i love the game and really want to be on a team and im not a piece of shit and i can take bbs I live in scottsdale and if you will let me on your team please leave a reply thanks :)

Troubleshooting / Re: Super 9 Attatchments?
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:54:14 PM »
dam lol im not good at making my own parts ill duct tape 3 sticks together and call it a tripod well thanks anyway

General Airsoft Discussion / Should i Buy a Classic army M249 SAW?
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:39:14 PM »
Is it really worth 700 dollars? thats the cheapest ive seen it b4 i want to invest the money i was wondering if someone could tell me whats so great about it that makes it that expensive please reply thanks

Troubleshooting / Super 9 Attatchments?
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:30:51 PM »
I bought this airsoft super 9 off of craigs list a few days ago its fairly decent and i was wondering if anyone else owns this gun and knows if there is any way to put attatchments on seeing that there is no tactical rail or anything if you can help i need to put a bipod (tripod works too) and a decent scope ill include some pictures just incase you dont know what gun im talking about cya

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