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Messages - TheBoy988

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67
looks like were guna have plenty of fresh meat out there  :twisted:

im coming dominic probably will to...

lol that video is so messed up... haha

ill be out this weekend... prolly with some face protection hahaha!

whats up guys... im still not going to make it this sunday...ive been fuckin moving and shit and im suuuppperr tight on money but my rent dropped 200 bucks a month so ill be able to get active again soon i think...

sorry i havent been makin it to the games but soon i think ill be able to again

Quote from: "pred1237"
new subject, on the games you lay do you have someone who films the matches, because i saw a airsoft video on you tube of rebel union. another question is in the summer do you play in the mountains? and how long do the matches go for from 9:00 am till when. are there abandoned buildings that are legal to play in arizona, i heard from other people on this website that there are. also for the games what kind of mouth prtection is required besides a paintball mask? a pastic muth guard that is used for football or what

take it from me....i got shot last weekend...lost half my front tooth. turns out i had to get a root canal done, the work took about 31/2 hours to complete. thank god i have insurance!! haha i recommend protection for sure....

jacob...i still have your 2 spare mags and they are safe! so no worries. if i can make it out there ill bring them. ill probably come out a little later because i have to work till 3 sunday morning so. ill keep you posted!


tooth did infact start hurting after a few alot... BUT i am going to the dentist friday. pain is gone today except when i drink...

should be good to go for next weekend!

whats up guys! sorry i missed out last week... kinda slept through my alarm....

im plannin on being there tomorrow lucky huntin hat and all... and i still havent gotten around to picking up some bbs so i got 5 bucks for who ever will let me bum some off them assuming david has his stripper money um i mean pizza delivery tips to break a 20...

see you guys tomorrow

ok....this day was freakin weird... ive seen one to many 666s out there today...david knows all about that...

other then the weird shit today it was alot of fun...

by the way what was that tire shop called? i forgot already...

im in again. had fun last week end

well im planning on coming hitching a ride with _D-REB_222. looking forward to playing with you rebel guys!

id love to come but i was wondering if any one is coming from phoenix...really low on gas and i have no money but will soon have money to repay the favor (just moved from idaho so thats were my money went) call me up if your willing to pick me up. 208.819.6606

i promise im not completely crazy haha

im lookin for a place to play some airsoft around north phoenix, like around i-17. please let me know of any places i can play.

also im looking for a squad that is looking for a sniper team to attach to them. please PM me on this.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: new here
« on: September 16, 2008, 06:06:59 PM »

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Gamertags?
« on: September 07, 2008, 09:17:32 PM »
mine is TheBoy988. i play CoD4 and chromehounds mainly

when you try to convince your cousins mom thats a zit, not a firmly placed shot square in the lip.
when ever time your girlfriend calls and ask what you are doing and you reply "lookin at airsoft shit."
when your airsoft currying case cost more than the one your real gun is in.
when you think you look better in your BDU then in anything else. (she likes the boots  ;) )

Spring Power!! / Re: UTG
« on: September 07, 2008, 09:03:09 PM »
i have a UTG accushot competition shadow ops sniper and i love it! for the price great accuracy and mussel velocity. looks bad ass too. im not 100% sure about the shotgun though...

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