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Messages - Skokauckas

Pages: [1] 2
Accessories & Gear /
« on: November 22, 2005, 08:55:46 PM »
ALICE PACKS are just too damn big and bulky.  If ya plannin to hump 40 miles in a OP, go ahead and use it.  But you can't move in vegitation very well in them, you can't fire from the prone position while wearing it, and sure as heck can't be silent while on the prowl.  The "mini-alice" is a better way to go, and the VN era Rucks are much smaller and user-frendly.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:30:02 PM »
If you notice, I left the bottom left of the patch empty...perhaps a slogan or somthing of that nature.  Perhaps somthing that states what we are all about???

Just thinking out load.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:19:33 PM »
Quote from: "RangerBob"
The line remind me of 1st Cav, tip to piss of anyone from first cav...
"The horse they never ride, the line the never crossed and the colors the reason why"

It's a yellow shield shape, with the line from upper left lower right and a horse head in it...

Lots of guys in 1st cav I wouldn't want to say that too, but plenty of them you'd be safe saying it....then again, the ones you wouldn't want to say it to are usually the only ones that would get it or get angry by it.
RangerBob, If you plan on living to see 24....I would not recommend that choice of words be used around any Cav Trooper.  LOL

Accessories & Gear / NEW PATCH DESIGN & FEEDBACK...
« on: November 22, 2005, 06:22:47 PM »
Thanks for the feedback thus far gentlemen.  I was thinking and a great point has been made.  Perhaps this patch design should not hold a "combat" status after all.  Like you all stated...Certain patches are awarded at events for certain accomplishments etc... I would not want to tarnish  that.  Thank you for pointing that out to me.  Vince made a great point in his reply as well.  Why did I design the patch as the State of Arizona?  It's our home.  It is where we play.  I wanted somthing that would show other teams and organizations the pride and honor of a great state.  Why the Black Stripe acorss the Patch? This was added by the suggestion of one of my good friends serving with the U.S. ARMY  I wanted to capture our dedication to the game and willingness to HOLD THE LINE.  And thats why it's there.  We never back down, we never surrender, we hold the line. And finally Why the Infantry Insignia?  I wanted to symbolize brothers in arms.  I wanted somthing that would hit home and it seemed proper.  And thats all it is.  I just wanted to add somthing to Airsoft Arizona, It's the least I could do.

Accessories & Gear / A New "AIRSOFT COMBAT" Patch for our members.
« on: November 20, 2005, 10:46:06 PM »
Hello everyone!

I apologize for not being present on the forums for the past month or so.  Work has me busy and it's hard at times to get on here.  Well a few updates for eveyone would be in order.  I'm now fully combat ready!  I recived my M-16A2 from Depot53 along with other assorted goodies.  And I plan on being present in our upcoming events.  I have also been playing around with a patch design that I thank some of you may find to your liking.  I'm calling it our "Airsoft Combat Patch".  It's a very simple design, the patch measures 3.5 X 5 in. and is designed to be on the right shoulder.  I know that there has been a raging debate over the wearing of current military patches at airsoft events, and that the opinion is split right down the middle.  So I had some fun and would like to share this design and see what you all think.  I can have the patch made subdued both in woodland and desert.  And I can get about 200 at a great price.  I designed this as a add-on patch to your uniforms and am in no way, shape, or form suggesting the replacement of our current AIRSOFT ARIZONA Patch.  I just desined it for fun.  So let me know what you all think.  Suggestions are welcome as well as feedback.


General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 05, 2005, 10:41:17 PM »
I would not loose too much sleep over the situation with Chandler.  Think about it.  How many "local laws" do cities have?  And what percentage of them are obeyed??  THINK! And use good judgement.  Keep your sh*t in your vehicle at all times!  And we should do just fine.  And besides, there is WAY TOO MUCH $ MONEY $ being made with the Airsoft market as it is.  It's a multi-billion dollar industry.  Which means even if these "law-makers" try to give this law any teeth....there will always be a way to buy Airsoft products.  There will always be someware to play Airsoft, and there will always be people fighting for us and Airsoft!  Our government has been trying for decades DICTATE our gun rights...and they have failed time and time again.  Federail, State, and local police have way more sh*t to worry about than us....belive me.  

So it's simple.  Think and use good judgement.  Keep your sh*t wired tight at all times and we'll do just fine.

Accessories & Gear / Military Patches....yes and no....
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:42:42 AM »
Gentlemen, you all have made some very strong points in regards to this paticular topic.  There are so many opinions about this that an end to this debate will never least not in the near future.  The very nature of Airsoft as a military simulation sport is what mainly fuels this desire for players to disply military uniforms, patches, etc...  The only issue I have a problem with is when people wear them wrong and without any respect or regard.  I agree that if you wear some sort of military patch on your uniform....have respect for it.  Don't dawn your uniform until you reach the field.  Don't walk around in public with patches.  If you have them on your BDU jacket....take the jacket  off and show respect.  Put it on when you reach the field.  And if you want to have patches...fine!  But be an adult about it and be honest.  Don't try to bullshit people.  Be honest about the patches.  And if you were to ever meet an player that WAS IN the unit you are displaying....shake his hand and thank him for his service to this country.  

I'll be honest with all of you....I to wear a paticular patch on my arm.  However this patch is not on my sleeve for the hell of it.  I don't show it to try and look "cool" or "bad-ass".  I wear it because of it's history, it's story, and mainly because my father gave it to me.  The patch I display is from my father's combat unit.  And I wear it with pride and honor.  I wear it because it reminds me of my father, and it reminds me of the history I personaly have with this paticular unit.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that "everyone" wears military patches to try and look cool.  Because not all of us do.  Most wear them for the added realisim of the games.  And the rest of us will wear them for the same reason, but ours are a bit more personal.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 02, 2005, 10:09:06 PM »
I guess that question would Airsoft players get sh*t for playing on BLM land?

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 02, 2005, 10:06:54 PM »
Well that sucks.  LOL

I guess it's a damn if ya do and a damn if ya don't situation...

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 02, 2005, 08:05:23 PM »

If you have a Hunting/Fishing Permit from Arizona Game & Fish....will it cover you on BLM Land as far as permits go? ya have to go to the BLM to get one???

General Airsoft Game Discussion / AFTER ACTION REPORT....
« on: October 02, 2005, 01:41:26 PM »
First, I would like to thank everyone who showed up for the Florence OP.  Yes, we did have a weak presence...but we still had a good time.  I would also like to thank eveyone involved for the respect, kindness, and the "open-arms" attitude towards me.  :D   I have never meet a group of people with such kindness. are the man!  You did not hesitate to let me try out your weapon for some trigger time!  And for this you have my thanks and my upmost respect.  Chip!  I love your go and get em additude!  There was a few times when you had to "kick me in the pants"... I respect that.  Thank you for your knowelge and insight as well.  There are so many people I wish to thank...but I don't think there is enough room! LOL  I had a great time shooting the cam and checking out this paticular AO.  I would recommend this AO for future operations in the Florence area.  I will hopefully be able to have the pics posted soon for everyone to see.

Once again....thankyou gentlemen for allowing me to tag along on this OP.  I learned many new things I hope to employ in future Airsoft games.


General Airsoft Game Discussion / DEPLOYMENT WARNING!!!!!!
« on: September 30, 2005, 11:03:29 PM »

I'll see you gentlemen at 0530.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Too HOT for BDU's? BDU-101
« on: September 30, 2005, 08:02:16 PM »
Well that depends what type of BDU's you wear.  See our armed forces issue to versions.  "Summer" & "Winter/Fall".  The summer BDU's are a lighter rib-stop so you don't become so hot that you fall over and die!  The winter BDU's are more heavy in construction and retain your body heat to keep you warm.  I have both issues.  And sense we live in the "Frying Pan of the Earth".....I'm leaning more towards my hotter climate BDU's.  And besides...Airsoft is 95% Military Simulation right?  So why not get into the game!  Get into the mindset and have fun.  But that's just me.  I like to live the moment...why not?



General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:58:46 PM »
Yeah, I'll wear a bright arm-band or somthing.  I'll bring along my M-92 sidearm so I can play in a pistol game or somthing like that.  I'll be wearing full BDU's for the OP.  Seem's right sense I see all the pics of everyone involved.  World Class Warrior's!  All of you!  :D And sense we do "military simulation"....It would be odd to run around in jeans and shirt!  LOL

Anyhow, I'll see you guys at the meet and greet.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:40:55 PM »
It errie how TAPS can stop you in your tracks.  I mean I can think of no other moment when you really stop and think..."Wow....there really gone."  I feel that TAPS is our Military's own way of saying goodbye to a fallen comrade.  Kinda how the Fire Dept. rings a bell when they loose one of there own...  It's just so powerful in the way it hits you.  In a way I feel that TAPS has a much more powerful hit than our National Anthem.  Has anyone ever been to the "Wall" in DC?  I would love to see that!  Talk about a wake-up call....

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