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Messages - Otterking

Pages: [1]
General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 28, 2006, 07:57:40 PM »
rofl yeah, besides my friends. Weird.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 28, 2006, 07:54:00 PM »
I guess that's why people put their myspace's to private. Stops creepy stalkers. :(

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 28, 2006, 07:51:29 PM »
Goofing off and showing off my airsoft replica in my bedroom, aiming at my TV.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 28, 2006, 07:36:53 PM »
Of course I'm not talking about that thing in your yard. You're also not driving around in a vehicle, which should provide some kind of protection from a "RABBIT".

Quote from: "Farslayer"
Quote from: "ValhallenAngel"
But a f***ing puppy.... dude.

In Andy's did have really long ears.

It was also doing this: ... ession.JPG

Busta, the guy's name is OTTERking....of course he's a PETA member.

That's what the RABBIT was doing? Yeah, if I ever saw a rabbit on the side of the road while I was driving, and it was bearing it's teeth at me, I'd be pretty freaked out, pull over, jump out of my car, and fire my weapon at an unclear target.

Oh wait, that's ridiculous.

I'm not in PETA. I just think it's ridiculous that you killed some animal for NO reason at all.

Oh well, it's cool. You can think I'm a fag for liking animals, I'm still going to go fight and risk my life for our country.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 27, 2006, 06:00:51 PM »
Quote from: "Farslayer"
s*** hardrive is filled with pics of things Andy has killed.  He knows REAL violence when he sees it.

One time we were driving down Avra Valley road and Andy suddenly pulled over.  Before the dust cleared he was out the door and had unloaded an entire mag into some "bunny" he'd seen cross the road.  Turns out, it was a dalmation puppy.  

We got the hell out of there. :?

Wow, that's all sorts of awesome. Good thing we can carry weapons to defend ourselves, and also kill helpless animals for no reason. Wewt wewt.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:20:25 PM »
heh. So where's this recruiter at?

My recruiter here in Sierra Vista isn't really doing it for me. I call him up, and he has to let me go right away, I stop by the mall, and he's not in.

Before I become government property, I'd like someone to at least try to sell it to me.  :roll:

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 23, 2006, 03:40:31 PM »
Congratulations!  :D

I myself am looking to join up as soon as I drop the weight, and the more I look forward to joining, the more respect I get for soldiers. Ft. Huachuca is great... if you don't mind being in a small town. But it's an hour away from Tucson, so that's good.

I'm interested in hearing some stories about basic, too. All I've been told is "do whatever you're told to do". One of my friends was talking about a scene from some movie where the guys put soap in a sock and beat a guy who was holding the rest back, the sock keeps bruises from coming. We all decided it probably doesn't happen, but there was some guy at Denny's who overheard us and said that it DOES, and that it's actually suggested by DIs, "off the record, of course."

Anyone have horror stories about basic? Anyone know if that kinda stuff does happen? lawl.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: July 04, 2006, 11:40:11 AM »
On the 'field' (just in some woods) my ICS worked excellent, besides having to hold the magazines forward a few times... (I did try to tape up the magwell, and it worked for a while, but later on in the day, it seemed to stop working) but I've got a lot to learn about tactics and movement I gues.  :oops:

It was real small, so I don't think I got the 'right' feel of Airsoft from it. There was 5 of us, so 2v3 for the most part. I had the ICS mp5sd5, my team mate had the CYMA, and the third person on my team had a springer from walmart. Ironically, the person with the Springer got the most kills.

So! I need to work on my skills some.

Anyways, thanks for all the feedback guys.

Another one of our friends bought the UTG Warhawk? That was doing pretty well for her, and the last person had a gbb and the BE Aug, which batteries died before the 'game' even started. Wow!  :!:

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:20:55 PM »
I definately wasn't giving him a hard time, if you were talking about me. I was actually telling him how cool it was that he paid less and had a gun that hit harder and more accurately than mine.

I made the joke that I should just switch out my ICS to get a CYMA like his, but, truth be told, I really like the weight and feel of this gun, even though it seems less accurate. The scratches all over it from the previous owner(s) also give it a certain flair... battle scars are neat.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 29, 2006, 02:03:11 PM »
Hmm. We'll play our first 'game' with 'em soon, and hopefully that'll prove that I made the better buy.

There's only one thing that really bothers me though. After I slap the magazine in, if I barely knock it on something, it falls out. I can also just tug on the mags to change 'em out. I also have to hold and push forward on the magazine to get it to feed properly.

The guy who sold it recommended electrical tape in the mag well to fix it, and while it won't bump out, it still can be pulled out, and must be pushed forward if I want to shoot more than 2 pellets and then dryfire.

Any suggestions on that?

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: June 29, 2006, 12:51:23 PM »
Well, I'm still really impressed with the ICS one, and yeah, it is used. It's a big step up from the Double Eagle m83 that I was using before, though.

We've only popped each other a couple times from about ten yards, but this weekend we're going to have a small game with a bit more range. What I have noticed about the two guns though... mine feels much nicer in hand, is a lot heavier, and isn't as wobbly.

I'm not sure which one he has, he bought it from the JungleToy in Tucson, but I doubt that really narrows that down any.

General Airsoft Discussion / CYMA v ICS?
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:24:18 AM »
I recently purchased this ICS mp5 ... hp?t=10119

And my friend recently purchased a hundred dollar CYMA Mp5, and we've been testing 'em out.

His is more accurate, and hurts waaaaaaaay more. Do you think there's something wrong with my ICS, or is CYMA crazy good deal? :x

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: April 05, 2006, 04:24:08 PM »
Bleh. My $30 rifle came in today.

I was so excited when I got home, a giant box waiting in front of my door.

I get out the box the rifle is in. The package looks neat.

Wait, what?

"Well Air Sport Gun" Alright.
"Battery operate alone shoot gun" What?
"Battery operate blaze away gun" Rofl. Semi and auto, hmm.

So I open the box up, alright! It's not 1:1 scale! AWESOME.
I definately should have saved my money for a better rifle.
I haven't shot it yet, but I'm already seeing that I did get what I paid for.

Ah well, I'll give it away to one of my friends that wants to start airsofting as soon as I can afford a better rifle.

On E-Bay there's a couple listing for Tokyo Marui 'clones', claiming they can be upgraded and are identical to TM guns, just obviously not the brand name. They're going for about $100 each, so I'm thinking about getting one of those soon. (One of these listings... ... dZViewItem)

Anyone help me with this? If you guys think that's a bad idea, I'll wait to buy another rifle until I can get a real brand name rifle.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: April 04, 2006, 12:22:01 AM »
Rofl. I'm glad to see replies so soon.

I'm really excited about all this. I'm hoping it'll also work out as an exercise for me too, since I'm overweight. I'm hoping that won't dampen me too much, but I imagine it will, to a point.

Do you guys think we would have any problems shootin' airsoft guns in the mountains/woods? Of course, we'd be a good distance away from campgrounds and such.

Introduce Yourself! / Well, hello there.
« on: April 03, 2006, 11:05:17 PM »
Hello, all.

I'd like to introduce myself, I've been reading posts on this forum for a couple weeks, and thought I'd like to get active, or at least introduce myself, to the community.

My name is Andrew, I'm 19 years old and I live in Sierra Vista, which is a small town, about a two hour drive away from Tucson.

I enjoy reading the posts here, the community seems to be a good one, and the game seems really interesting to me. I hope to learn a lot from everyone.

I don't really have a big budget, and I've ordered a $30 electric rifle. In Sierra Vista, we don't have any arenas or fields or anything for airsoft, so I can't really rent one to try out, but I'm hoping this $30 rifle will give me a decent feel of what the game can be like.

This also brings up another problem, though. The closest "big" city is Tucson, two hours away, so that's not really convienent on gas or time, as well as it'd be hard to schedule for us, to play a small game, and we wouldn't even know where to look there. I've brought up the idea of playing in the woods near our town. Would you advise against that? The only thing my dad told me was "make sure you stay out of hunting areas."

There's about 15 of us in Sierra Vista, that want to start playing casually with some cheaper equipment, but if we do like it, we'd like to get more serious about it. Everyone is already excited, I'm the only one who's made a purchase so far (which was pretty minimal), but I figured maybe I could ask a couple questions before everyone else starts putting out money.

Thanks a lot guys, sorry if my grammar sucks or if the questions are bad. I've tried searching the forums a few times  :cry:

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