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Messages - SBFirefox

Pages: [1]
Real Firearms / Re: Show off your guns!
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:45:43 PM »
My 3 go to rifles, mainly into the long range precision game now.

BCM 14.5" Middy, now sits with an AFG and blue force gear sling

18" SPR build I did, shooting well under 1/2MOA at 100M w/77's. Shown with my weapon mounted NODS in a larue mount.

Remington 700 AAC-SD: currently a work in progress. Just recently threw the manners T4A DBM chassis on it and have been running different loads through it to figure out what it likes before I send it off to have the action and bolt lugs/face trued, mini chassis skim bedded, along with some other other goodies. So far I've been grouping sub MOA with 175 SMKs and 175HPBT but want to handload some rounds with 175 bergers when I get the chance and take it out to the desert.


Hey everyone,

As the title states I am curious if this community hosts any kind of night games during the warmer spring/summer months. By night games I do not mean a game at a field lit up by lights, I mean a game out in the woods/desert or what have you and completely in the dark. Back in Ohio these kind of events were very common so I'm just curious if anyone on these boards entertains this kind of play and if I can expect to be playing at night at all. I did a quick search on the forums before posting and didn't find a whole lot on the topic so if this has already been discussed forgive me.

Thanks guys,

AEG's / Re: Optics
« on: February 05, 2012, 07:24:13 AM »
I'd go with a 4x32 ACOG if I were you. I've found a 4x optic in airsoft is incredibly helpful. You can see where your bb's are going at longer ranges and you can also scout areas ahead of you with the scope. If you are playing mostly CQB keep some kind of RDS on it but otherwise an ACOG or some kind of 4x scope is the way to go imho.

Site Suggestions / Re: Wall of shame? :)
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:28:25 PM »
For what it's worth back in Ohio we have done this to an extent and it has worked well for the most part. The hosting team at a local field has been wearing Contour helmet cameras while playing (about 12 guys with these) and if they catch someone breaking a rule when looking over the footage they take a screenshot and post it up on the AAR. Cheating, full auto indoors, crossing AO boundries, etc.. are all fair game. While I do not think a "hall of shame" is necessary a little bit of public humility goes a long way in sport where ego runs high. Just my 2 cents.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Dropping In From Ohio
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:20:26 PM »
Spazz, I tend to be fairly sneaky myself. There is a reason the word "fox" is in my callsign ;) Hopefully I'll see you at an event this summer sooner than later. We'll have a good go at each other :) Oh and Arcane if there's a night game around count me in man I love that stuff!!

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Echo1 booted from Shot Show
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:19:42 PM »
Yeah, this has been a hot topic on both real steel and airsoft forums lately. For those of you not active in the firearms community or havn't realized it yet, the RS world hates airsoft. It's unfortunate too because some very well respected firearms instructors such as Travis Haley have actually been advocating the use of airsoft for cost effective training. Furthermore the firearms industries tend to dislike us because companies will use trademarks on their AEGs assembled out of the US and then those AEGs are brought into the US. Cybergun on the other hand has agreements with various firearms manufactures for the legal use of trades on their guns. I hate cybergun as much as anybody else on here especially after meeting Krantz at the last Irene but laws are laws. As far as the lawsuits are concerned I would honestly be surprised if anything ends up coming out of this. This isn't the first time firearms manufactures have gone after airsoft and it wouln't be last either. I wish I could find the article but I remember reading about H&K handing out "cease and desist" letters to airsoft companies at SHOT either this year or last. Despite whatever legal action comes out of this it just adds more dirt on the image of airsoft in the RS world which is unfortunate.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Ordering from RedWolf Airsoft
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:05:16 PM »
Redwolf Airsoft is good to go. I have never seen any issues with their guns coming into the US, any issues involving trades usually lead to the guns trademarks being filled off in some fashion by customs then the gun is cleared and sent through. That being said though I would personally try to avoid ordering from overseas because it takes longer, shipping is expensive, it takes a while to get what you want, and customer service (returns and troubleshooting) can also take a while because of the long distance. That being said I would only order from overseas if I could not find a part/gun in the States' or for that matter at your local shops.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Dropping In From Ohio
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:52:28 PM »
Thank you everybody for the warm welcome, I'm surprised to see as many Ohioans on these boards as there are lol!

Arcane: roger on all accounts I can understand the animosity about moving across the country. I'm going willingly and it's still a bit rough knowing I'll be quite a bit away from home. When I get in town we'll have to hit a game together sometime.

Red Devil: I will hit you up when I get in town. Knowing there are some teams around here that play almost every weekend is great news. I am anxious to hit the ground running once I get settled in on campus.

Claymore: Glad to meet a fellow Sun Devil on here!! Thanks for the warm welcome bro! Hopefully I'll see you around campus sometime. Are you on the main campus at Tempe?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Dropping In From Ohio
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:59:15 AM »
Hey! Yeah I've seen you around on the forums before, were you at any of the Night Archers back at Splatterpark? I think I may have met you once or twice on the field. What brings you to AZ? It's good to know there's some other Ohio guys on here.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Opinion!
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:32:46 AM »

While tri-shot shotguns definitely have their place in airsoft I think your or anyone else's money for that matter would be better spent with a GBB as a secondary. I say this because a GBB has the ability for quick follow up shots, are easy to transition to, and can be carried easily on your person. To be completely honest with you, if funds were not an issue I would buy a secondary AEG over a GBB and keep it in your car unless you already have one. I say this because I want you to take a minute and think about how often you have used a GBB pistol as a backup to your primary if at all. Most people (at least in OH) do not use their pistol even once during the day and it ends up being useless weight slowing the player down. Now granted I'm sure our fields in Ohio are different than what is here in AZ but even within ohio we still have quite a bit of CQB and rifles can be used for contact inside the buildings. If this is not the case in AZ then forgive me and I'd say go out and buy a quality GBB like TM, KWA, etc.. But if the reason you or anyone else wants a GBB is for a backup in the field then that's fine, but I think your money will be much better spent on something you will use more frequently like a back up primary, or some quality gear, ESS Turbofans, etc.. I carried a Tokyo Marui M9 on a Serpa dropleg for about a year but ended up ditching it for the aforementioned reasons. Just food for thought.


Introduce Yourself! / Re: Dropping In From Ohio
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:02:59 PM »
I will be at ASU, Tempe campus.

Introduce Yourself! / Dropping In From Ohio
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:45:01 PM »
Hello everyone,

My name is Jack and I am currently an Ohio high school senior who will be attending college here in Arizona come fall semester. With my move to Arizona coming up in a few short months I figured it would only be right to introduce myself and get started with the new community I will be playing with for at least the next 4 years. To give everyone a little background info I have lived in Ohio all of my life but have vacationed in Arizona with my family almost every year since I was about 8 or 9. With Arizona serving as almost a second home to me it is where I decided I wanted to go to college and get a quality education in a place I know and love. Back in Ohio growing up I have always been into guns and the military. Playing airsoft and shooting rifles with friends was how I grew up. It was always a great activity and kept me outdoors as well as, for the most part, out of trouble. I began playing airsoft around 5 years ago with a friend who was active in what was at the time, the little known community of Airsoft Ohio and was introduced to the AEG. From that point on I was hooked on airsoft and played among friends at organized events until about 2 years ago when I was picked up by a local milsim team, Team Stormblade. It was with this team where I truly began to have fun with airsoft by playing with a good and competitive group of guys I now know as some of my best friends. It is also where I got my feet wet in the more "serious" aspect of airsoft, although I enjoy the fun filled nature of airsoft more than anything else. Through hosting events such as Airsoft Con, the Operation Redemption Series, and various smaller open plays alongside my team I began to understand and appreciate the effort that goes into getting a quality event up and running smoothly. It isn't easy!! ;D This is the point where I am at right now, playing alongside my team and enjoying the final few months left here in Ohio. I hope to meet everyone here on the forums at an event sometime or another and look forward to having a good time on the forums.

Thanks guys,

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