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Messages - elijah

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Do you have pics of the 1911 and which model and color is it

Do you still have that kjw m700 for sale, and which version is it?

Awesome Milsim event. It was totaly worth the drive from phoenix and the whole game was fun, there was never a boring moment. Also the field was great (lots of cover and buildings) will definitly be coming back if another game is hosted.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: New hatfield 3-24-13
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:12:24 PM »
How much will admission be?

Alright, thanks for the information. Also I may bring my dad (he kinda likes airsoft), would standard airsoft glasses be sufficient eye protection for the game?

I will be able to come as a free stalker, dont know how to get on the roster (im new)  or sign up

Hey, I should be able to come as a free stalker

Hey, my name is Elijah. I am new to posting on airsoft forums but have played the sport for about 2 years. I have currently in my armory a Marui Famas, a gg mp5, a gg m4, and am working on a sniper rifle build. I am hoping to get involved in more airsoft events (which is part of the reason I joined a forum) and just love the sport. I also love tinkering with my guns and upgrading parts. Thank you all for your time

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