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Messages - Ryandetailer

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General Off-Topic Discussion / Whanna ba a Minute Man?
« on: December 10, 2004, 02:26:04 PM »

"I am recruiting volunteers to converge on the southern border of Arizona for the purpose of aiding the U.S. Border Patrol in "spotting" intruders entering the U.S. illegally.

This is strictly a volunteer project. No financial subsidies are available. And, you will probably need a tent, sleeping bag etc. You will be responsible for all costs associated with your participation."

Whana try out your airsoft skills? Or survival skills? Have some time on your hands?

I think it would be fun to do[^]

General Off-Topic Discussion / Additional Maricopa votes and issues
« on: October 06, 2004, 08:26:33 AM »
For those who care here are some people/props that I thought you might want to know about and vote for in the valley.

Just a note about me: I have attended several district meeting and powwows, I am very conservitive and believe that the only way for happiness in communities is to have the guberment to leave you alone. That being said here are some people and issues that would be good to vote for.

Pres. Bush (Badnarik too if you like)

senator...Hancock (any one but McCain)

Corp comm....Fowlkes (Mayes is a Napolitano appointee enough said)

County Attorney...Thomas (a very strong and responsible guy)

Sheriff...(any body but Joe, goes the slogan)

Community College...Jerry Walker (he has a vested intrest in the quality of schools in the valley, and has been on numerous boards and governments)

Special Healthcare dist #2....Charlie Gail Hendrix (she has been on some very high and responsible healthcare boards, she great)

Prop 100... No (there is no reason to change the law in this point)

101...yes (will mandate specific pupose funds)

102... yes

103... yes


200.. yes see other post subject

300... if you want to pay legislators more vote yes

400... NO waste of money

401...YES if you want to increase Comm colleges fund, NO if you think colleges should be run properly, it should not need to issue bonds it would be a growing business as others do it ie. Phoenix Comm.

I am open for additional info if I have over seen something. If I am way off base please let me know.


Real Firearms / Group Propose Semi-auto ban
« on: September 22, 2004, 12:11:36 PM » ... cleID=1313

"Besides banning the manufacture and sale of 19 specific guns, the now-expired federal law halted the production of ammunition magazines or clips designed to hold more than 10 bullets and prohibited manufacturers from producing firearms with more than one of the following features:


• Folding/Telescopic stock

• Protruding pistol grip

• Bayonet mount

• Threaded muzzle or flash suppressor

• Grenade launcher


• Magazine outside clip

• Threaded muzzle

• Barrel shroud

• Unloaded weight of 50 ounces or more

• Semi-automatic version of a fully automatic weapon


• Folding/telescopic stock

• Protruding pistol grip

• Detachable magazine capacity

• Fixed magazine capacity greater than five rounds

Weapons and ammunition clips manufactured before Sept. 13, 1994 were grandfathered in under the law and could be possessed and sold."

"Removing freedoms, Mr. Pearce said, won’t end violence. Enforcing laws, punishing wrongdoers, education and strong families are more effective.

“That’s what works — not silly laws stripping people of their freedoms,â€￾ he said. “We don’t need more laws, we need stronger families.â€￾

Amen Russell!!

If you thought there were weirdos in Kali, just look down the street.

+++sorry wasn't thinking+++

<b>[ADMIN EDIT - MOVED: this is not airsoft related]</b>

General Off-Topic Discussion / God bless the USA
« on: September 17, 2004, 10:52:47 AM »
"Done...the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven." --Closing line of the U.S. Constitution.

"Today we commemorate the signing, 217 years ago, of our nation's Constitution, the operational implementation for our 1776 Declaration of Independence. On this Constitution Day, we pray for our nation, and especially those uniformed Patriots standing in harm's way around the world who have sworn to protect our Constitution with their lives."

from the Federalist Papers

I am proud of my Country the founding and the ratification of this, the best country in the world. Think of what this world would be like if those great men had not shaken off the bonds of oppression.

<font color="red">GOD</font id="red"> BLESS THE <font color="blue">USA</font id="blue">

Real Firearms / Arms Dump
« on: September 15, 2004, 02:08:19 PM »

10,000+ AK-47s Lightly used in excellent condition. Each comes with 4 magazines, sling, oiler etc. Oiled and packed in wooden crates. USD $110. Final price depends on quantity purchased.  Picture1  Picture2

looking for AK under $200.

Say it aint so!!

On Feinstein-Schumer gun-control -- just say "Nay"!

On the eve of the upcoming presidential election, Constitutional constructionists -- Patriot advocates of the liberty and freedom ordained by our Creator as framed in our Constitution -- were informed by the Bush administration that President George Bush will sign renewal of the 1994 Clinton-Feinstein-Schumer gun-control regulations scheduled to expire on 13 September, 2004 -- if Congress supports extending the measure.

It is understood that the administration's position on this legislation -- which is indistinguishable from that of John Kerry -- politically calculates that the measure will not get through Congress. This would prevent the legislation from becoming political fodder just prior to the presidential election.

However calculated, it is a stupefying example of bad judgment and timing -- arrogance in fact -- that President Bush's pragmatic handlers have taken a public stand on this legislation when the administration could have remained silent and waited for Congress to act one way or the other. In taking a position on the legislation now, the administration offended both the overwhelming majority of the President's constituency, and the constitutional foundational of our Republic -- a colossal blunder!

The Constitution's Second Amendment prohibition against government interference in the "right to keep and bear arms" is the one assurance that ensures all other rights. As noted by Justice Joseph Story, appointed to the Supreme Court by James Madison: "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."

Indeed, Madison himself wrote in Federalist No. 48, "The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any...." That is no less true today than it was in 1787.

Senators Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer were the original sponsors of this gun-control measure, which narrowly passed the Democrat-controlled House and Senate in 1994 and was signed into law by Bill Clinton. Though House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says that the votes in the House are not there to renew the measure, Feinstein and Schumer will press for a roll-call vote in order to politicize this legislation prior to the election.

Feinstein and Schumer even applauded the Bush administration's position on the measure, writing: "We welcome your support and look forward to working with you to gain swift passage of this legislation. With your assistance, we will be able to pass legislation to continue the ban and help make America's streets safer."

"Safer"? For whom?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearms-related crime has declined 54 percent in the last decade. The number of violent crimes reported in 2002 was 980,000 fewer than in 2000. But a National Institute of Justice report (headed by Christopher Koper at the University of Pennsylvania) concludes, "We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence." Feinstein's own California Assistant Attorney General Patrick Kenady noted in an internal memo, "Information on [these guns] would not be sought from forensics laboratories as it was unlikely to support the theses on which the [Feinstein-Schumer gun-control] legislation would be based."

Even The Washington Post painfully admits, "[The banned guns] play a part in only a small percentage of crime."

Feinstein-Schumer, ostensibly, claims to protect law-abiding citizens. Of course, only law-abiding citizens comply with such restrictions -- and at their own peril. Criminals don't care whether the weapon they're using comports with the 23,000 federal, state and local gun restrictions already on the books. But they do care whether their intended victim has a firearm: Extensive interviews with violent felons make it clear that they prefer to prey on the victims who are least likely to possess a gun for self-defense.

In Commonplace Book, Thomas Jefferson quotes Cesare Beccaria from his seminal work, On Crimes and Punishment: "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." Again, no less true today than it has been throughout history.

For 30 years, the Left has used the "safety" claim as the foundation for its strategy of "incremental encroachment" on the Second Amendment to achieve its ultimate goal of gun confiscation. The Feinstein-Schumer legislation, which prevents law-abiding citizens from owning semi-automatic rifles (so-called and decidedly misnamed "assault weapons") for lawful purposes, is no exception. To wit, Feinstein said of the 1994 legislation, "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate...for an outright ban, picking up every one of them -- Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in -- I would have done it!"

Other Congressional Leftists such as Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Reps. John Conyers and Carolyn McCarthy have drafted additional legislation to ban or confiscate millions of guns used for personal protection -- this despite the spirit and plain language of the Second Amendment. (Memo to Lautenberg, Conyers and McCarthy: What is it about "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" that you don't understand?)

Our Republic's Founders had it right. "To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them," warned George Mason. Patrick Henry concurred, imploring future generations: "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined."

The Bush administration's calculation that the renewal of the Feinstein-Schumer legislation will never get to the President's desk because it won't make it through Congress is a dangerous gambit, and there is no excuse for the advance notice that Mr. Bush would sign the renewal, which served only to encourage Leftist gun confiscators. That encouragement just made re-election of conservatives in Congress -- and the White House -- more difficult and more expensive.

There are at least six bills reauthorizing Feinstein-Schumer pending in the Senate and House. Congress will return from its summer recess on 7 September and will be in session only four work-days before the sunset date. Fellow Patriots, let us urge our elected representatives to oppose H.R. 3831 and S. 2498 and any other legislation seeking to extend the so-called "assault-weapons" ban. And let us not underestimate the resolve of those who would infringe upon our Second Amendment rights: "I really believe passionately in this," said Senator Feinstein. "I'm not going to give up." (Memo to Senator Feinstein: Neither are we.)

Please act now -- join more than 60,000 fellow Patriots on the frontlines in defense of our Constitutional liberties who have already signed a petition against Feinstein-Schumer renewal. Link to --
(If you don't have Web access, please send a blank e-mail to: Each e-mail sent to this address will be counted as one signature for the petition. (No duplicate e-mail addresses are counted.)

General Off-Topic Discussion / Flat Tax proposed
« on: August 02, 2004, 07:24:06 AM »
This might just be a pipe dream but, it has the chance a being a real deal. I would totaly change the economics of the States, and it would get the bureaucrats in a tizy. Both of those are well need changes to the system.

“If you own property, stock, or, say, one hundred acres of farmland and tax time is approaching, you don’t want to make a mistake, so you’re almost obliged to go to a certified public accountant, tax preparer, or tax attorney to help you file a correct return. That costs a lot of money. Now multiply the amount you have to pay by the total number of people who are in the same boat. You can’t. No one can because precise numbers don’t exist. But we can stipulate that we’re talking about a huge amount. Now consider that a flat tax, national sales tax, or VAT would not only eliminate the need to do this, it could also eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) itself and make the process of paying taxes much easier."

"Simply put, the FairTax replaces the way we're currently taxed - based on our annual income - with a tax on goods and services. The FairTax is a voluntary “consumption" tax: the more you buy, the more you pay in taxes, the less you buy, the less you pay in taxes.
It's simple."

General Off-Topic Discussion / Border Problems?
« on: July 27, 2004, 06:44:00 AM »
I knew we had a problem with our borders but I did not know it was this bad.

It's kinda disturbing, but it can be fixed if enough people figure out the problem, and we do something about it.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Big Game Hunts
« on: July 20, 2004, 07:57:11 AM »
I got drawn for white-tail deer in unit 30A, from Wilcox south to the boarder. Does any one hunt there who would like to disclose there secret spot? Any advice would be great since this is my first trip to this area.

Any one else put in?

General Off-Topic Discussion / religion quiz
« on: June 29, 2004, 08:40:34 PM »
This was kinda fun to see if i believe what I thought I believed. And I guess I'm kinda confused by it.
see what you come up with.

If you care.

my results

1.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2.  Jehovah's Witness (95%)
3.  Orthodox Judaism (83%)
4.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (76%)
5.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (69%)
6.  Islam (69%)
7.  Bahá'í Faith (68%)
8.  Sikhism (67%)
9.  Reform Judaism (55%)
10.  Eastern Orthodox (53%)

General Off-Topic Discussion / South Korean is Beheaded
« on: June 22, 2004, 09:57:31 AM »
As promised, the South Korean is beheaded!!
These people must be eradicated!! ... 1815.shtml

God save this world.

**sorry I put in the wong place, thanks for fixing it**

General Off-Topic Discussion / Clinton's Autobiography
« on: June 19, 2004, 03:06:40 PM »
if anyones interested New York Times just blasted his book. ... &position=

"In many ways, the book is a mirror of Mr. Clinton's presidency: lack of discipline leading to squandered opportunities; high expectations, undermined by self-indulgence and scattered concentration. This memoir underscores many strengths of Mr. Clinton's eight years in the White House and his understanding that he was governing during a transitional and highly polarized period. But the very lack of focus and order that mars these pages also prevented him from summoning his energies in a sustained manner to bring his insights about the growing terror threat and an Israeli-Palestinian settlement to fruition."
"Lies about sex and real estate, partisan rancor over "character issues" (not over weapons of mass destruction or pre-emptive war), psychobabble mea culpas, and tabloid wrangles over stained dresses all seem like pressing matters from another galaxy, far, far away."

That's great

:)"This country has nothing to fear from the crooked man who fails. We put him in jail. It is the crooked man who succeeds who is a threat to this country." --Theodore Roosevelt

General Off-Topic Discussion / Gun Control Harming U.S. Troops
« on: May 25, 2004, 10:40:25 AM »
A very interesting article on how the gun bans have ruined the magizine, and gun manf. industry. In return, these laws have bankrupted most manf. of military need items.
Another reason to get rid of the gun bans!!

ryan ... 1144.shtml

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: December 14, 2004, 11:24:47 AM »
The minute man is not a new idea. It's been used for centuries in our country. It's now been turned into a bad word by the bleeding hearts of our society.

It is our way of taking control of our country. It is, after all, the citizen's right to provide and protect, his life, liberties, and properties. If our elected officials and federal government won't do there part, that we the people have delegated to them, then we take it from them and do it our selves. Where do you think the feds get there power, some crystal ball?

The sad part is, if it's not taken care of now, its' only going to get worse, and then we could just let our kids take care of it the bloody way. And apparently our government is not interested in the will/safety of the people, ie prop 200.

I see no other way to let the feds know that we are serious about our gapping borders, save a run on the capital.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: November 19, 2004, 08:22:33 AM »
Sweet, poor little deer. How far away was the shot. How much did you get out of it? You could have killed thing with a 17HMR [:D]

Where did you go? My hunt is in Dec and hopefully I can get mine on the first day too.


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