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Messages - om3ga

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion / New p90 version from JT
« on: October 03, 2004, 02:24:52 AM »
anyone know anything about the p90 version JT is putting out? i talked to one fo the guys that works in the tmpe location and he was telling me they bassed it off the TM modle but made it a little less profesional like a gravity fed mag and and a lower quality gear box.  i would assume it would be comperable to the TM boys series but i was wondering if anyone had seen one yet or hear anything about it becuase im rying to help my friend find a gun for a good value, and if the JT online site doesn lie for like $65 or so (been a few days since i looked) you get a worthwhile package.  but yeah, what have you guys heared?

General Airsoft Discussion / Anyone from chandler? or near chandler?
« on: August 28, 2004, 10:34:55 AM »
I live in chandler and im just wondering if any of you guys live here or in the area.  none of my friends are really into airsoft but 1 or 2 of them play occasionaly.  im just trying to find some more people in my area to skirmish with outside of big events that are hard for me to make it too becuase of my work and school schedual.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 19, 2004, 07:28:44 PM »
i kinda started typing out an essay on what i think about bush and kerry then realised noone cares what i have to say enough to read that.  the short version though is that it seems to me that both candidates are not worthy of the office, but tht bush already failed once (in my eyes at least) so maybe give someone new a try.  but damn, it does seem like ether way, we are not getting out moneys worth out of this election.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 19, 2004, 12:33:18 AM »
I didnt mean to cuase such a mess ont he forums with that.  i wasnt comparing bush to saddam.  all i said was i wished something equally horrable would happen to him.  but even that is a bit exagerated.  anyways, as of right now, i am voting for kerry.  it seem to me that kerry did better in school, was more activive policticaly, both in an elected office and as a private citizen, and regardless of people opinions on his conduct while in vietnam did have time on the ground durring a war which i think is an important perspective to have if u are going to be a wartime president.  but i am not partisan.  i am not voting kerry becuase he is a dem.  so untill election day i will keep an open mind and keep trying to learn as much as i can about each person and their policies before voting.  but then again, it doesnt really matter if anyone does, seeing as it's not a direct democracy anyways and we have that lovely elctorial college that casts the actual votes for each state.  whatever.  god bless america....

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 18, 2004, 11:05:35 AM »
i duno, i kinda wouldnt mind if the same personal tragedys that happend to him happend to bush.  i really dislike that guy.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 07, 2004, 10:21:35 AM »
yeah,even with .20g it's fine for that, but it was strange, i was just oldign the trigge down, seeing the groping, and i was pretty consistant, but then one would speraticaly fire way off.  i think though this is becuase it is gravity fed and it it can sometimes drop the bbs too quickly into the chamber.  it's a fun little gu though and fr the price, it's just worht it to ahve it around, cuase it's kinda fun.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:03:25 PM »
yeah, i went to jt today after getting paid (bad idea, it's liek grocery shoppign when u are hungry).  anyways, i bought one in a package of the p90 a springer pistol a 3 point sling and a holster for the springer, for 50$  the gun is fun, but doesnt shoot for ****
i figure seeing as most people i play with use springers and mini electrics it will work out for stuff like that, seeing as they dont like going against my m15a4 spc.  but that understandable

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 23, 2004, 02:47:13 PM »
Well, that seems like it's going to be no good.  if you pull a toy gun out on a cop, you deserve to get shot.  if you take one into a public place and make a scene, you deserve some tye of legal recourse.  people who would do that will do that with or without laws, so makeing laws that are going to make it harder for law abiding airsofters to be able to play and purchase airsoft guns.  it's silly, really, and damn, im kinda dissapointed that once again the government has decided that people can not make that callon their own so they made a law for it.  damn, land of the free...whatever.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 17, 2004, 10:29:50 PM »
i voted camper.  i used to spend way too much time on TFC and was rather good at sniper if i do say so mycself.  and there was nothing more annoying then being flamed for doing my job very well.  depending on if there was an enemy sniper i had to be weiry of and the amount of people coming out of the enemy base in a given time, i could kill everything that came threw if i had the oppertunity to give my gun the about 3 seconds it needed to "charge".  so i would catch alot of crap for that and i always didnt like being ostrisied for it.  but then again, they were the ones being turned into little gibbs so who am i to complain.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 17, 2004, 12:30:05 PM »
well, i dont know if anyone else noticed the lack of realisime in the use of the handguns.  they were not locking back on the last round so it made for2 things that i thought were kinda funny.  one being in the church where the black police officer guy (forgot his name folks, sorry) goes to shoot and then he is al, damn, im out.  and then the other more noticable part was where that guy shoots some zombies and then tries to shot himself and the hammer just clicks down.  i know it's dumb to say things about the realisim in a zombie movie, but hey, why not.  but the movie overall was pretty good.  it was a fun hour and a half to two hours.  and i would see it again given someone i knew was wanting to go see it for the first time ro some similar situation.

Real Firearms /
« on: September 11, 2004, 10:42:17 PM »
hey, wouldnt it be ironic if we all showed up to their head quarters and stabbed them to death?   i think that would be worthwhile.  ok but really, i dont understand why someones right to feel unthreatened by me owning a gun should override my right to own one.  it's  really silly.  jesus.

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