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Messages - xXmusicimpactXx

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Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: TM g36c or g36k
« on: November 14, 2012, 01:32:44 AM »
Had my CA G36K for sale for awhile now, still have it if you're interested. Great condition, link below to ad with pics/more info. PM me and we can work something out. Thanks!

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Surviving the zombie apocalypse
« on: November 10, 2012, 10:50:07 PM »
The whole idea of "bugging out" sounds good until you are actually faced with it. Want to find out what it would be like, go to a city that has a hurricane bearing down on it, wait until they order evacuations, then try to evacuate. It is a serious cluster you know what.
I was in Houston for the evacuation about 7 years ago. we went 100 miles in 12 hours. Once we hit the main freeway, people would push their cars forward the 5 feet then wait the 15 minutes to do it again. They had blankets on the side of the road for the kids to play on because we were not moving. Every gas station was out of gas, people where running out all over the place.  And Houston actually had a mass evacuation plan. Does Phoenix even have one? The authorities were filtering everyone to specific exits. You couldn't just go where you wanted.

Attempting to evacuate Phoenix would be a nightmare. think of how many actual roads there are. You think 17 is bad during rush hour, that isn't even 1% of the people who would try to use it in the case of a disaster. How many roads really are there available to leave the phoenix? The best choice is to head north and everyone knows it. You wouldn't be the only one bugging out, so would everyone else.

The best solution in my mind would be for a "group" of people to collapse to a decently close, but relatively rural area. East side would be something like Florence of Coolidge area. Out of the suburbs, but within easy reach to arrive quickly. A group because there is strength in numbers and it helps split up watch duty. ideally not on city water, but a well. Wait out the big push of everyone leaving. Then after a day or two, convoy up and travel to the final destination.
I agree with you. Might as well hunker down in the initial wave of things (any common household has at least a couple days-worth of supplies laying around) and let the masses exit, then group up and relocate if need be.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: kwa kriss vector gbbsmg
« on: November 02, 2012, 11:49:05 PM »
for that price you can get an mp9 with 4 extra mags and even more if you were to get a m11 or even the mp7. hell just get a full size gbbr for that price the lm4 is still cheaper than the vector what the hell
Oh definitely. Don't get me wrong, even if it did come with 2 or more magazines I still wouldn't be buying one. I got my KWA MP7 with three 40rd mags and the low powered bolt (all brand new from retailers!) for almost $100 less than just the KRISS alone! Pricing is, I believe, the FPG's biggest downfall as well. Once you start pushing $300+ for any airsoft gun, you better be offering one hell of a package.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: kwa kriss vector gbbsmg
« on: November 02, 2012, 12:10:31 AM »
You can get a heck of a lot more fire power for $385 than you can with this KRISS. Seems like we would be paying for the KWA name, as well as the rare KRISS style, not too impressed. I'm going to admit that it is a neat looking little weapon, but the neatness quickly wears off once the price is revealed. I am definitely a fan of KWA, but I don't feel that this is a strong marketing/product line with the prices and reputations it has.
Agreed. Maybe if it came with two mags or something...

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: Vanguard Regulations.
« on: October 27, 2012, 10:35:25 PM »
you must try to use burst fire. the best thing to do is use a low power battery such as a 8.4v so that you can do quick semi trigger pulls, i found on my m249 with a 7.4 lipo or stronger battery it will burst too much, and wouldnt be allowed really.
Yes, please don't be that guy. Most of the games are semi auto only, so bring a gun which can function in semi auto. The few times I have seen someone using a SAW at Vanguard were usually only during Attack and Defend, when the defenders (and eventually the attackers) can use full auto.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: SB 1315 Passed
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:56:49 AM »
Interestingly enough, none of the major retailers have (to my knowledge) taken any major steps thus far to safeguard or relocate their businesses should this law come to pass. They made an initial stink about the law, but now they've kind of gone hush hush.... Someone tell me if maybe I'm just missing something here, or if it really does seem a bit odd...

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Surviving the zombie apocalypse
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:52:24 AM »
All brought up good points. Me? I'd probably gear up and hunker down somewhere discreet or inconspicuous within the city or just on the edge of it, namely because I can honestly say I know much more about surviving there, than out in the wilderness. I wouldn't be opposed to going "I Am Legend" style and fortifying my own house, in fact. Hell, everything I'd need to start off is already there, why not?
I'd definitely prefer to have another person or two with me rather than lone-wolfing it, as an individual (even armed) can still be overtaken by a gang of people (be them zombies or not), especially in a crisis situation where people may be desperate, such as a zombie apocalypse (or Obama getting re-elected). If you can find your own food/water and make your own ammo, the rest is secondary.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Surviving the zombie apocalypse
« on: August 26, 2012, 10:59:17 PM »
This thread is amazing. the OP's discussion of his go-bags has got me thinking about putting together one or two as well. Where/how can one learn some essential survival skills other than a boy scouts program?

I like to think I carry a very miniature survival kit on me every day. Para-cord bracelet, lighter, knife. In the worst extreme, it would at least keep me afloat by providing the very basics (fire, defense, way to tie down shelter) until I could reach home or somewhere to acquire better resources.

I like the basis of your 'moving to Alaska' idea, but I have to ask; how do you plan to get there if the SHTF? Airplanes won't be operable, the roads will either be clogged, blocked off, or possibly unusable altogether, and you can't exactly walk there from here...

I personally have no problem with open carry, but myself will probably never partake in it for daily outtings, as from a tactical and personal defense standpoint it makes no sense. Why give away your advantage (as well as the element of surprise) to the bad guy right from the start? Additionally, it may make you the prime target if, say, you're in a shop and a couple thugs bust in to rob the place.

As far as carrying airsoft replicas on your person in public; THERE IS NO POINT NOR ANY GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER TO EVER DO SO, NO MATTER YOUR AGE OR 'FELONY' STATUS. This applies to carrying one open or concealed. Ultimately, airsoft guns are TOYS, and should not in any way be flaunted as a real firearm. It is not a real weapon, do not treat it like one. Do not carry it on your person like one in public. Do not conceal-carry one in the hopes of using it as a deterrant (because if you pull it as a deterrant and the criminal persists anyways, you're left SOL). Keep it in a case when you are anywhere but a sanctioned airsoft field. End of discussion.

As to the people saying Commieifornia's laws might possibly bleed over to AZ; that will NEVER happen. One thing I love about Arizona is that we do our own thing, regardless of what other states (or even the federal government most of the time) think about it [most recent example; Jan Brewer's policy on 'Deferred Action' recipeints]. Especially with our difference in firearms laws, AZ would be the LAST state to adpot ANY of Commiefornia's legislature.

As for them trying to hammer on guns in the State of California, there are a lot of good reasons for it. Case and Point. L.A., March 1st 1997. The B of A Robbery down in North Hollywood. 6 civilians, 10 officers injured and both robbers were killed.

There were over 300 Police Officers and FBI Agents there, they had to go to the local gun store and get assault rifles because our Police Officers only carried pistols and shotguns, nothing of that caliber. Now, until idiots like that or ones that shoot up schools or theaters, Airsofters I feel will never see the end. 

Why should civilian gun owners be punished because the cops didn't have assault rifles? Jared Laughner committed his atrocity with a Glock... So does that mean Arizona needs to pass laws against owning Glocks now?

@Dayton Thanks for the correction. Looks like in the revision they changed it to "...a projectile no BIGGER than 16mm in diameter," which would indeed include airsoft guns.

Another day, another baseless, stupid, and freedom-infringing law proposed in COMMIEfornia. Personally, I don't think this will stand. They've tried this before... What was the last one? SB 798, right? Didn't pass, neither will this. It would effectively cripple the industry in the U.S., which the manufactures, distributors, retailers, and community won't take likely nor let happen without one hell of a fight.

One thing that is a bit confusing to me about the law though, is that it cites the 'regulation' of imitation firearms. What exactly does that mean? More taxes on them? Higher age limits to purchase them? Local government oversight over their sale/distribution? Hell, REGISTERING them? Can anyone shed some light on how exactly they plan to 'regulate' airsoft replicas with this new law if it were to pass?

Shoot, I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of legislation Commiefornia is testing on replica guns, in order to eventually take it one step further into REAL firearms... But that's a discussion for another topic.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this only affects "...a spot marker gun that expels a projectile larger than 16mm," as quoted by the link below. Airsoft guns shoot either 6mm or 8mm projectiles, which is considerably smaller than 16mm, thus rendering them unaffected by SB 1315, according to the information I've found:

General Off-Topic Discussion / Any Fellow Monster Hunters? (MHFU)
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:26:59 AM »
Hey guys!

So, I recently picked up a PS Vita. Downloaded Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, and low and behold... I'm hooked on the series once again! The second analog stick helps TREMENDOUSLY during gameplay, and the load times are nearly instantaneous on the Vita.

More to the point, does anyone else have MHFU for either the Vita or PSP? I'd love to have a couple buddies to go on some epic hunts with, either via local Ad Hoc or Ad Hoc Party. Feel free to send me a PM or post here, thanks!

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Rebel Union
« on: August 04, 2012, 09:33:52 PM »
Lol Bowser you know there's still a giant RU sticker on the wall at Vanguard? Maybe it's time that comes down...

Might be there, not 100% sure at this point.

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