Author Topic: July 26th summation & impressions  (Read 676 times)

Offline Screwloose

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July 26th summation & impressions
« on: July 26, 2003, 08:38:58 PM »
First off sorry about the length, & good game all who were there.
To those who said you would be there and did not show, Shame on You!

The first scenario was a border crossing scenario. 1 team had to smuggle 3 items to the other side of the border. In theory this was an interesting game idea, but in reality it was a short fire fight with a mad dash for the border.
To give this scenario more replay value, in my opinion, we should change the rules a bit. I was thinking that to make the smuggling harder the smugglers should either 1. be forced to walk with package not run. 2. need 2 people to carry package, or 3. not be able to advance with package when a fire fight erupts in their immediate area I.E. when we are shooting at them.
One of the rules / guidelines for the border troops was that we needed to capture one of the smugglers alive. There was no way we could do this when they went blazing for the finish line. They were outrunning our pellets for gods sake. Enough said here. Try it again with some changes and see if it last longer and is more fun.
Game 2 (Maybe not in order) So with the smugglers beating us soundly, they decide to try and attack our encampment to chase the Border guards off or kill us.
In all fairness I have played several defend point such and such games before and never had this much trigger time or fun. The first reason this game was so good, the Smugglers did not have foreknowledge of where our encampment was. This made them search for us, and made the game a little slower at the beginning, but gave the defenders more time to coordinate and familiarize ourselves with the terrain. Which is all things we would have done had this been our real encampment. So we had a spotter on each end and the rest of us at the camp grounds. The smugglers had a hard time finding our camp, which I agree we should have had a flag or some identifying mark to show its location. Once the smugglers did find the base it was a non stop fire fight for the remaining time. [:D] Like I said I have never had that much trigger time in a capture so and so before. The terrain was a perfect mixture for cover and wide open areas, much nicer than the place I had previously played at out there. So to summarize, Base camp should have identifying mark I.E. bandana hanging in tree, highly visible. Everything else seemed to work well, even the 3 death limit.

Game 3 Pistol only (sort of)

This was a standard capture and hold point so and so. It probably would have been a pretty even game except that our team either started farther from the "Point" or did not start on time. We were beaten to the Cap point and swatted back from there on out.
 Another more major problem was the pistols only. Out of 10 people little over half actually had pistols, so the ones without pistols had to use AEG single fire only. [xx(] You can see how this worked out, I'm sure. Once one team got the cap point and entrenched their AEG carriers, it was damn near impossible to get close enough to score a kill on them without being killed. I don't know if any pistol carriers actually did it or not, but I know I did not. Second time out of respawn I went blazing into battle with my trusty, LOL, G18 which promptly spit gas and died. Not having any way to refill it handy, and no one on my team had extra gas handy either, I ended up being a spotter and actually helped get several kills this way [:)] but never got close enough for a knife kill [:(] Oh well maybe next time.
So my ideas here are. If you are going to try and get people to play a Pistol only game, make sure to ask / tell people on the forum first that you want to incorporate this into a game. I was initially depressed because I came out to Shoot my new M4, but the pistol was fun too. Second we should not allow any AEG's / Sniper rifles or only 1 per team. Third some people had more than 1 pistol while others had none, some had multiple mags while others had only 1. These people with extra guns should allow someone who they trust to borrow a gun for the game, or not use both. I was thinking we should make each person only carry as many mags as the lowest number in the group so everyone is pretty much equal. This would slow down respawns because people are reloading, but at least it would be uniform for everyone.

Game 4

This game was the exact same as 3 except that each was allowed their AEG's on single fire only. This was more fun for me and my M4 except my battery died and was having feeding problems with my Mags, probably related to the aforementioned battery problem.

This game worked out much more evenly with both teams holding the Cap point for almost equal amounts of time. The only real downfall I noticed was that it did not seem to take as long for one team to respawn as the other. Maybe a distance concern again. The other bad incident that happened was that one person got a nasty pellet wound to the face. Blood and all [:o)] This I am sure was an accident, and no amount of trigger control can stop BB's from going Awol sometimes. And you have to remember that if you don’t wear a full face shield you are bound to get hit in the face sometime. Just one of the many inherent dangers to our sport.

I don't know if and or what types of games you played after I left. But again Good Games and nice to see you all again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Screwloose »
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