Author Topic: Axis of Infection!  (Read 701 times)

Offline Blitz

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Axis of Infection!
« on: February 09, 2008, 04:18:04 PM »
Date: March 15th
Time: Brief at 0730
Place: Avra Valley... (SASCO depending on turnout)

A German crime ring known as the Teutonic Terror has gained acess to a new kind of blood born agent kick named 'Blood Tear' or BT for short, from the vicum bleeding from every eyes nose and mouth before dieing. The Teutonic Terror has already launched its first chemical attack on a small forward Russain outpost. After the initail attack the Teutonic Terror expended its source of BT and must collect 4 antidote samples from the fallout area to engineer more and must plant a chemical warhead in the Russian spawn point.  As for the Russian outpost, their battle lab was destroyed but a stray rocket and the 4 part antidote was scattered everywhere. They must retrieve all parts of the antidote to treat their troops and the village nearby, and must plant a tactical nuke at the Teutonic Terrors spawn point.

There are 3 stages of the BT virus.
Stage 1- mild symptoms, player is fully combat capable except medics are unable to treat injuries because of chance of spreading BT

Stage 2- moderate symptoms, the virus has spread to the muscles and some organs. Player is unable to run and carry more than 2 extra magazines.

Stage 3- severe symptoms, infection has spread to brain and major organs. Player can only walk and can only use sidearm. Seek immediate medical attention!

Stage 4- Death (however it is treatable within 5 minutes)

A official will call 'GAS GAS GAS'! this simulates players within 50 feet are in a chemical environment. Players have 9 seconds to don a protective mask. Players who are unable to don mask, or incorrectly, or do not have one  you must draw a card from a deck of cards. There are 2 different strains. You must draw a card if you become 'exposed'. Red means you been infected by the Red strain, Black means you've been infected with black. Each time you have been infected by the same color  the stage of infection increases to the next level. You are affected by the most severe type. Example you can be stage 1 RED and stage 2 BLACK, you will be limited to the symptoms of the condition of stage 2.

To be treated for the infection a medic that has no infection must have access to PART A and B of the antidote of the applicable type of infection RED or BLACK. Treatment take 1 minute per stage. The Antidote parts were contained in the Russian Battle lab that was attacked and are now scattered threw out the battle field. Only a medic is able to handle antidote samples and are only able to take one sample per medic at one time.

When medics heal for a infection there part A and B sample are expended and the player stage condition for the type treated is eliminated, however if the played has a different type of infection they are now infected by that type. For example, if you are treated for Black and you still have stage 1 RED you will gain the conditions for stage 1 RED. Medics are also able to treat casualties. Someone who is hit in the libs is treated in 1 minute and 1 antidote is expended. Hits to head of torso take 5 minutes and 2 antidotes are expended. If someone is hit and does not get medical attention they bleed out and die. Players who are 'bleeding out' may call out for a medic but are unable to give out intel, and are suspected to chemical attacks.

Respawns take 5 minutes at spawn point. Player must call out 'RESPAWN' in a loud clear voice for surrounding players to know if spawn point is contested. If point is contested players have the choice to respawn within 100 feet of spawn point.

Game officails;

Teutonic Terror (german flectarn, tan, multicam);

Russian Medical response team (Russian, green);

note; teams are encouraged to use the team specific uniform and weapons but not limited to.... not everyone has $ to throw around like that. Exapmles; Flectarn and MP5, G3's for German. Russian camo and AK's, RPK, Dragonov's for Russian

Scavenger Hunt of Death Challenge!

Location; Avra Valley (SASCO depending on turnout)
Time; After Axis of infection
Date; March 15th

Think your hardcore?

Teams of 2 start out with just a pistol and 1 mag and 3 respawns at their starting area. The object is to find the correct lock combo for a hidden chest on the field, the team that gets the flag then needs to bing it to the opposite side starting area to win. only catch is there are 'power ups' on the field giving you or other teams the advantage.

Powers ups include but not limited to;
-weapon power up
-extra mag
-extra ammo of different weights (may share with others)
-dug in gunner positions
-extra respawn
-medic band
-band aids for medic band
-bb' proof vest
-bb' proof helmet
-lock combo
-booby trapped chest
-and more....

Power up rules;
You may not share power ups, unless specified. When you die and choose not to wait for a medic you loss all your powerups (leave them in a pile where you died). If your healed by a medic you may keep them. Any items left are up for grabs for whoever.

note, im leaving this open ended for further rules and adjustments as well as the date place and time, if you have any ideas please lemme know
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Blitz »

Offline Blitz

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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 04:53:13 PM »
Basic Rules;
Above 18= rated eye protection
Under 18= full face mask

<400= full auto 15 foot minimum engagement distance
>400= single or semi shot only 100 foot minimum engagement distance
<15 foot engagement= call out surrender (MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Blitz »