Author Topic: Rebel Union's Fallen Phoenix Saga  (Read 616 times)

Offline fourwheeltrooperguy

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Rebel Union's Fallen Phoenix Saga
« on: August 01, 2009, 10:29:43 AM »
This is the backdrop story for the series of milsim events we (REBEL UNION) are hosting currently. Check the game listings forum to sign up.


The scenario is based on the warring factions of the Green Nation and Tan Nation. The nation of green is smaller and less advanced than the tan nation. Though relative peace has exsisted between these nations, the modernization of the Tan culture has put higher demands on its natural resources. Many of these raw materials exist in abundance in the Green nation's territory. The increasing demand and dwindling resources of the Tan nation motivated them to attempt to assimilate the Green nation into the Empire that is Tan. With superior numbers and weaponry, the Tan nation has slowly closed its grip on what is left of the Green nation's military. Many rebel militia groups have formed in resistance to the oppression of tan and guerrilla warfare is rampant in the territory of Green, keeping Tan at bay for now.

The story is told one episode at a time, with the turnout of each game reflected in the story and ultimately the fate of Green and Tan. Each new episode is a directly related to the events that happened in prior episodes. Giving everyone a chance to be part of the story at point or another.

The first episode:

June 20-2009 1800hrs

The war between the nations of green and tan seems to be in its final breath as the tide turns in the favor of tan. With completion of the Phoenix 59, a weapon of mass destruction with the capability to deliver the final crippling blow to what is left of the green nations will to fight.

With plans to strike in the heart of green's capitol city, tan has moved to Phoenix 59 device to a remote base camp deep in green's homeland in preparation to deploy. Green recon takes notice of the movement and reports back to HQ. Tan's full deployment forces are not yet at the base and the decision is made to infiltrate the installation and steal the device before tan's full forces are assembled. This is what very well may be the last stand of the green nation, the final grasp for freedom is now at hand.

-Extract the Phoenix 59 device from the enemy camp before full deployment forces arrive.

-Maintain mission perogative, wait for deployment forces to arrive.
-Maintain possesion of the device at all costs.


Green has successfully stolen the Phoenix 59 wmd.

Episode two:

July 25-2009 1800hrs

The war rages on between the nations of green and tan, smaller green rebel units converge into a united force as tan continues to dominate the borders of the green nation. In desperation the green nation made a last stand against the tan oppression and stolen a weapon of mass destruction, the Phoenix 59. Much to the dismay of Green’s leaders; the weapon’s activation codes are encrypted. Green Intel reports of an aircraft suspected of carrying the encryption software, the plane is taken down by Green anti-aircraft and the search for any viable information is begun.

Tan’s knowledge of the downed craft is immediate. Search and rescue of the downed pilot and encryption software is imperative to preventing the activation of the Phoenix 59. The potential counterattack of Green using the weapon would cost countless lives if deployed in a densely populated Tan metropolis. All available forces change current objectives to recover encryption software from the crash site.

Green objectives:

Recover the 4 encryption plates to activate Phoenix 59.

Tan Objective:

Recover the 4 encryption plates.


Green has failed to aquire all encrytion plates and is unable to deploy the Phoenix 59 wmd at this time.

Episode three:

August 15-2009 1800hrs

After hours of fighting, the Tan recovery forces are able to locate the crash site, the downed plane is unrecognizable and if the crew was alive or in the plane at the time of the crash is undeterminable. Heavy fire forces the Tan team to withdraw from the firefight with only 2 of the encrypted software plates recovered. Even with two plates they are able to postpone the activation of the Phoenix 59 by Green forces. Green's leaders are infuriated with the failure of the plan of attack. Immediate orders are given to hunt down the fleeing Tan recovery team before they unite with their main forces, the remaining 2 encryption plates that they are fleeing with must be found.

Green objective:

Eliminate the Tan recovery team.
Recover the 2 remaining encrpytion plates.

Tan Recovery team objective:

Maintain posession of the 2 encryption plates.
Unite with main attack forces.

Tan main attack forces objective:

Meet up with and support recovery team.


Green was able to successfully obtain the last two encryption plates.

Episode four:

October 3-2009 0900hrs

With the encryption codes obtained the nation of green is able to activate the Phoenix WMD. The final plan of attack is orchestrated. October 3 2009 0900 hrs the Phoenix device will be transported to the last known location of tan's main base of operations. The plan is to get the phoenix within range and protect it until detonation. There will be no return for the soldiers of green this day. May their names be etched forever in the history of Green Nation as the men that saved the independence of their beloved homeland.

Green objective:

Transport the Phoenix WMD to the deployment site.
Protect the device until detonation.

Tan objective:

Crush what remains of the Green Army.
Regain control of the Phoenix WMD.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »
if it bleeds, we can kill it