All these new kid teams are using the same cookie-cutter for their airsoft websites.
on a ********** page, I doubt they have full access to CSS and html coding (or whatever they're using for websites these days). If they do... shame on them for not being professional web designers and using a cookie cutter design instead! lol.
As for actual feedback... I'd avoid thumper as well. Maybe post an artistic rendering of an M79 instead?
Results and stats will more than likely just turn into a pissing match, I would avoid it. At the very least drop the 'stats'.
Are you the "Bambi Forrest Troopers"? If so, I will take a moment to remind you that Forest only has one 'r' in it, unless you're referencing something else with the word Forrest (such as Forrest Gump, or Forrest, Alabama) besides some wooded area.
Posting a personal phone number online is almost always a poor choice.
Run a spell-check on your about us section.
Lastly, are you in Denver? If so, why are you posting in the Airsoft Arizona forums? -the only member in the Members section is listed as being in Denver.