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Offline busta_cap

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« Reply #120 on: May 06, 2005, 08:17:57 PM »
Quote from: "Cheeze_IZ_G00d"
I agree with azsarge 100 percent. I believe that a line has to be drawn somewhere, and .50 cal might be a good place. I mean really, if a .308 can do the same damage, does it really matter if you have a .50 cal? Also, if the .308 does the same damage, hunting with a .50 cal becomes useless. I swear, some people just want to push the 2nd amendment to its breaking point. Like I said before, the 2nd amendment applies to militias, and the people that make up the militia.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by busta_cap »

Offline gixser13

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« Reply #121 on: May 06, 2005, 08:21:54 PM »
Quote from: Lightning_Man
Well, since you are 17, I am guessing you haven't had any college level classes on the constitution, constitutional law, or probably law in general I am going to have to disagree with you. As a teacher, I can assure you what you have learned in high school is only the smallest tip of the iceberg.


I highly agree but thats another subject....have you ever read the Book Lies my teacher told me By james W Loewen Very good book

Good case in point   about the NG and our military (you might want to fill in the blanks) but there was a standoff back in the 60s where the NG and military had guns pointed at each other...I remember it was over race but cant recall the state
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by gixser13 »

Offline The Flying Dutchman

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« Reply #122 on: May 06, 2005, 08:36:34 PM »
Rage Against the Machine- Take the power back

"The teacher stands in front of the class
But the lesson plan he can't recall
The student's eyes don't perceive the lies
Bouning off every fucking wall
His composure is well kept
I guess he fears playing the fool
The complacent students sit and listen to some of that
Bullshit that he learned in school"

Mmmmmmmm tasty music.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by The Flying Dutchman »

Offline Lightning_Man

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« Reply #123 on: May 06, 2005, 10:55:03 PM »
Heh, well, I am not sure I would say it is bullshit exactly but I would say that if you have a poor teacher you prbably get screwed in history and government. Also, with all the pressure about AIMS, these classes get less time and merit because they aren't aims testable. Finally, remeber that your high school history/government teacher has had I believe it is 15 units (5classes) of history classes beyond their education major classes and those classes cover all of human history and maybe one class in a specialization field. Interestingly, they do not include any law classes which I think are critical to actually undertstanding history, especially in a country where law rules. If any of you ASU students end up taking History 109, take it with Catherine Caplan and prepare to have your eyelids pealed back.

What is being taught in high schools is slowly shifting as the baby-boomers retire and are replaced with younger more enlightened teachers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Lightning_Man »

It is what we do,
when we believe we can do no more\' that makes us who we are.

Offline azsarge

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« Reply #124 on: May 07, 2005, 12:04:01 AM »
A)The National Guard takes it's orders from the Governor, not the US Army.

B)The "UN" isn't the only foreign group training on US soil.  We have Singaporean, Qatari, Saudi, Greek, Canadian, Mexican, French, British, Israeli and several other countries with aircraft and personnel inside the gates of US military installations.  I can assure you that thier presence is hardly a prelude to war on our soil.  It makes for some interesting conspiracy theories, but you just don't know all the facts.

C)The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with either of these topics.  In my opinion, if someone wants to own a big-ass gun he should have the right to.  However, I hardly see the way things are as us being oppressed by "the Man".  CA is, and should be, the exception rather than the rule here.  Like many of you have said from experience, their gun laws aren't doing any good!  

I would like this whole issue to simply be dropped.  Gun control isn't getting us anywhere, and the ONLY people is affects are the law-abiding citizens who procure their weapons legally.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by azsarge »

Offline KenCasper

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« Reply #125 on: May 07, 2005, 06:38:24 PM »
Like I said before, the 2nd amendment applies to militias, and the people that make up the militia.

The Militia refered to is, as mentioned afore, all able bodied persons of adult age (back then it was men 17-45), now generally taken as any US citizen of legal age.

 The National Guard takes it's roots from the "Militia's" of old but was really designed as a first responder to a need for soldiers(ie indian attacks, darn those redskin brothers of mine :P ) till the regular militia's could be formed. "The Patriot" is a good example of what I mean, the movie compresses it, but you see how Militia's of old were "activated," by a rider going from town to town, house to house looking for the able bodied. After the revolutionary war, many states (and the Federal Goverment) decided that they should keep some soldiers trained and offer training to the "Militia" so that they could rapidly field an army, instead of the months long process normally needed to gather, train, equip, and then deploy a normal "Militia." Their creation lives on today as the Army and Air National Guard, each controled and governed by the state they reside in, unless "federalized" by presidental order (as the boys in Iraq, an else where on Active Duty have been) This is why you see the National Guard being the called in for floods, and such in their own states typically, as Az guardsmen have no authority in CA, and vis versa.

So to summorize, the National Guard is actually the historic "Army Reserve" who is Citizens who have been trained to Active army standards but aren't actual (federal) military soldiers till activated. Where the Militia is all able bodied indivuals who could be "Drafted" if the draft was re-enacted.

Good case in point about the NG and our military (you might want to fill in the blanks) but there was a standoff back in the 60s where the NG and military had guns pointed at each other...I remember it was over race but cant recall the state
That was in Alabama if memory serves me correct, but I am certine it was one of the southern "segregated" states.  The State was ordered to end segregation at a school (college I believe) and was asked to use the National Guard to help enforce the desegragation, and prevent harm happening to the "black" students that would start attending. The Governor though was a "good ol boy" who used the Guard to keep the students from attending, and the Federal government was required to send Active duty troops from elsewhere in to handle the security. And from what I've heard it wasn't guns pointed at each other, but a VERY strong and heated argument over who's turf it was, and who was gonna stay, and both sides were armed, with weapons and live ammo. (this was before they got too scared and PC to issue live ammo to troops, like now days for riot control ie florida in the late 90's)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by KenCasper »
Sgt Kevin Widner
AKA \"Casper\"

\"The Harder you train the harder your enemy must train...all comes down to who gives up first!   Mike \"Colonel\" Potter

Offline gixser13

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« Reply #126 on: May 07, 2005, 08:02:32 PM »
Thanks Ken, I would Proudly back my great state of Arizona!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by gixser13 »