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Topics - HavHav

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14
AEG's /
« on: November 18, 2003, 08:25:12 PM »
Your asking to get kicked off. Anyways, if there was a best gun, everyone would have it! Get whatever you like. Internally they are ALL the same (AEGS) practically.

AEG's /
« on: November 17, 2003, 07:40:24 PM »
I have an MP5SD5, but doesnt work. Most people have lightly/semi upgraded rifles with a few exceptions! Solitary UDT on the other hand......

Accessories & Gear /
« on: November 17, 2003, 06:15:59 PM »
That is a nice rig! What do you keep in that medical pouch though?

Accessories & Gear /
« on: November 08, 2003, 07:45:45 PM »
One of the guys at the first game I went to (He was from Tucson) Had an MP5K on a leg rig along with a few mag pouches for them! I was sure BHI Carried something like that, but I guess they dont! But there are plenty of shoulder holsters out there if those would do! Otherwise, I suggest you look around, and if you really want a theigh holster, then make your own!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: November 06, 2003, 08:06:44 PM »
My first download was corrupt! :( So I went to  filefront and its downloading at  77 KB/Sec, with 217 of 650. I better be able to play this by tonight! And I hope all of you have 15 Honor or over! Otherwise you cant do SF!

Accessories & Gear /
« on: October 14, 2003, 10:31:09 PM »
Christian will come on here, see your post and say it cant be 'taught' but it must run in the blood! Just use the kind at hobby stores. Tan, Khaki, Brown, OD, Green, Grey, etc. Do what you think looks cool, or at least what a few other people think looks cool! :P

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 13, 2003, 10:27:06 PM »
My dad shot left handed. When he was in the Army, they would give you a special plate that you put under your shirt so they dont burn you. But times have changed so I dont know about now!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 13, 2003, 10:15:35 PM »
Doesnt work!

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 09, 2003, 05:41:54 PM »
I had 6 once. 9 total if you count the ones where me and another person shot the enemy at the same time. 5 of those kills were in one scenario too! Im sure there are much larger numbers at some big AA games!

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 26, 2003, 09:25:01 PM »
VERY NICE! Only $5 too! Cant see how you can go wrong!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 24, 2003, 07:53:54 PM »
That female must me thinking about me! Funny stuff!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 11, 2003, 03:34:38 PM »
Oh my god. That is one of the funniest things I have ever read!

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 05, 2003, 07:36:13 PM »
Im a skinny guy, I guess medium for me as well!

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 04, 2003, 03:25:07 PM »
1) The chances of finding an abandon warehouse are incredibally high...In downtown Phoenix. You cant run around with guns in the middle of a city! So you would have to find one out in the middle of no where, which would be very difficult!

2) Unless we bought the rights to the property, we could not just set up a store! It would be very expensive and time consuming for those already managing airsoft games, family, and managing an airsoft site with near 500 people registered!

3) Proper licensing (Bus. Lic.) Is required, and once again, it would still cost A LOT of money to set up a store. If you want to hold the guns, goto Command Post or Game On. If you want to buy a gun, get a feel for it, and buy it off the net or from someone on the AA forums!

I have the same feelings as you about these things! Why they cant abandon the Bank Of America and 2 city blocks around it? I dont know! I sure would like that! But for the other things, you must realize that people have jobs, school, family, and just them setting up the site was an honor! So I must say, Thank you Paco, Kamikaze, Airsofter1, and Harley! Without you many of us would be stuck with paintball!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 03, 2003, 06:32:55 PM »
Beautiful! Around how much do those run? (If I decide to buy one when I'm 21)

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